Hotpoint Ariston MTM 1911 V GR/HA Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 12






Before placing your new appliance into operation

please read these operating instructions carefully. They

contain important information for safe use, for installation

and for care of the appliance.



Please keep these operating instructions for future

reference. Pass them on to possible new owners of the


Positioning and connection


1. Place the appliance in a well-ventilated humidity-free


2. Do not obstruct the rear fan grills. The compressor

and condenser give off heat and require good

ventilation to operate correctly and save energy.

3. Leave a space of at least 10 cm between the top part

of the appliance and any furniture above it, and at least

5 cm between the sides and any furniture/side walls.

4. Ensure the appliance is away from any sources of heat

(direct sunlight, electric stove, etc.).

5. In order to maintain the correct distance between the

appliance and the wall behind it, fit the spacers

supplied in the installation kit, following the

instructions provided.


1. Install the appliance on a level and rigid floor.

2. If the floor is not perfectly horizontal, adjust the

refrigerator by tightening or loosening the front feet.

Electrical connections

After the appliance has been transported, carefully place

it vertically and wait at least 3 hours before connecting it

to the electricity mains. Before inserting the plug into the

electrical socket ensure the following:

• The appliance is earthed and the plug is compliant

with the law.

• The socket can withstand the maximum power of the

appliance, which is indicated on the data plate located

on the bottom left side of the fridge (e.g. 150 W).

• The voltage must be in the range between the values

indicated on the data plate located on the bottom left

side (e.g. 220-240V).

• The socket is compatible with the plug of the


If the socket is incompatible with the plug, ask an

authorised technician to replace it (

see Assistance


Do not use extension cords or multiple sockets.



Once the appliance has been installed, the power

supply cable and the electrical socket must be easily




The cable must not be bent or compressed.



The cable must be checked regularly and replaced by

authorised technicians only (see Assistance).



The manufacturer declines any liability should

these safety measures not be observed.

All manuals and user guides at

Summary of Contents for MTM 1911 V GR/HA

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Page 10: ...10 GR 195062604 00 04 2007 All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...

Page 11: ...l potential Maintenance and care 16 Switching the appliance off Cleaning the appliance Avoiding mould and unpleasant odours Defrosting the appliance Replacing the light bulb Precautions and tips 17 General safety Disposal Respecting and conserving the environment Troubleshooting 18 Assistance 19 Operating Instructions MTM 1911 V GR HA English 11 GB ÅëëçíéêÜ 1 GR All manuals and user guides at all ...

Page 12: ...f the floor is not perfectly horizontal adjust the refrigerator by tightening or loosening the front feet Electrical connections After the appliance has been transported carefully place it vertically and wait at least 3 hours before connecting it to the electricity mains Before inserting the plug into the electrical socket ensure the following The appliance is earthed and the plug is compliant wit...

Page 13: ...ex features consult the following pages Varies by number and or position Available only on certain models FREEZER and STORAGE compartment A I R SYSTEM MULTI USE bin SHELVES FRUIT and VEGETABLE bin Removable lidded shelf with EGG TRAY BOTTLE shelf Levelling FEET MOISTIRE adjusted Removable multipurpose SHELVES BEVERAGE CAN shelves BUTTER dish ICE tray TEMPERATURE CONTROL All manuals and user guides...

Page 14: ...l quickly restore the temperature to the correct level even if the door is opened frequently the blown air A is cooled when it comes into contact with the cold wall whereas the hotter air B is sucked up see diagram The back wall may be covered in frost or droplets of water depending on whether the compressor is in operation or whether it is paused SHELVES with or without grill Due to the special g...

Page 15: compartment and if possible be in direct contact with the walls side and rear where the temperature drops below 18 C and guarantees rapid freezing Do not place glass bottles which contain liquids and which are corked or hermetically sealed in the freezer because they could break The maximum quantity of food that may be frozen daily is indicated on the plate containing the technical properties l...

Page 16: ...e objects with sharp or pointed edges to defrost the appliance as these may damage the refrigeration circuit beyond repair 1 2 Defrosting the refrigerator compartment The refrigerator has an automatic defrosting function water is ducted to the back of the appliance by a special discharge outlet see diagram where the heat produced by the compressor causes it to evaporate It is necessary to clean th...

Page 17: ... the controls or play with the appliance Under no circumstance should they be allowed to sit on the bins or to hang from the door Keep packaging material out of the reach of children It can become a choking or suffocation hazard Disposal Observe local environmental standards when disposing packaging material for recycling purposes The European Directive 2002 96 EC on Waste Electrical and Electroni...

Page 18: ...eezer have been over filled The atmospheric temperature of the area surrounding the appliance is lower than 14 C The TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT knob is not in the correct position The food is in contact with the back inside wall of the refrigerator The refrigerator door is open The AIR system is only activated automatically when it becomes necessary to restore perfect operational conditions inside the...

Page 19: ...ata plate located on the bottom left side of the refrigerator compartment Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals Mod RG 2330 TI Cod 93139180000 S N 704211801 220 240 V 50 Hz 150 W W Fuse A Max 15 w Total Gross Bruto Brut Compr Kompr Syst R 134 a kg 0 090 Gross Bruto Brut 340 Net Util Utile Gross Bruto Brut Freez Capac Poder de Cong 75 Made in I...

Page 20: ...20 GB 195062604 00 04 2007 All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...
