background image



Overall view

Description of the



Upper rack


Upper sprayer arm


Tip-up  compartments


Rack  height  adjuster


Lower rack


Lower sprayer arm


Cutlery  basket


Washing  filter


Salt  dispenser


Detergent  and  rinse  aid  dispensers


Data  plate


Control Panel


Control panel


Only in completely built-in models.


 Only available in selected models.

The number and type of wash cycles and options may vary depending on the dishwasher model.




indicator  light

Low  salt



Select  wash

cycle  button

Low  rinse  aid
indicator  light


Wash  cycle  indicator  lights

Summary of Contents for LST 4167

Page 1: ...óíêöèè ìîéêè Ïðîãðàììû 7 Òàáëèöà ïðîãðàìì Îïîëàñêèâàòåëü è ðåãåíåðèðóþùàÿ ñîëü 8 Çàëèâêà îïîëàñêèâàòåëÿ Çàãðóçêà ðåãåíåðèðóþùåé ñîëè Òåõíè åñêîå îáñëóæèâàíèå è óõîä 9 Îòêëþ åíèå âîäû è ýëåêòðè åñêîãî òîêà èñòêà ïîñóäîìîå íîé ìàøèíû Ñðåäñòâà ïðîòèâ íåïðèÿòíûõ çàïàõîâ èñòêà îðîñèòåëåé èñòêà ôèëüòðîâ Äëèòåëüíûé ïðîñòîé ìàøèíû Ïðåäóïðåæäåíèÿ è ðåêîìåíäàöèè 10 Îáùèå òðåáîâàíèÿ ê áåçîïàñíîñòè Óòèëèçàöèÿ...

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Page 11: ...ожена в корзинах Посуда мешает вращению лопастей оросителей Выбрана неэффективная программа мойки см Программы Чрезмерное пенообразование неправильная дозировка или непригодное моюще е средство для посудомоечной машины см Включение и эксплуатация Крышка ополаскивателя плохо закрыта Фильтр засорен см Техническое обслуживание и уход Отсутствует регенерирующая соль см Ополаскиватель и соль Посудомоеч...

Page 12: ...èðîêóþ ñåðâèñíóþ ñåòü îñîáåííîñòüþ êîòîðîé ÿâëÿåòñÿ âûñîêàÿ ïîäãîòîâêà ïðîôåññèîíàëèçì è åñòíîñòü ñåðâèñíûõ ìàñòåðîâ Íà ñåãîäíÿøíèé äåíü îíà íàñ èòûâàåò îêîëî 350 ñåðâèñíûõ öåíòðîâ íà òåððèòîðèè Ðîññèè è ÑÍÃ Èõ êîíòàêòû Âû ìîæåòå íàéòè â ñåðâèñíîì ñåðòèôèêàòå è íà ñàéòå www hotpoint ariston ru â ðàçäåëå Ñåðâèñ Åñëè âàì íàäî îáðàòèòüñÿ â ñåðâèñíûé öåíòð Âíèìàíèå Ïðè ðåìîíòå òðåáóéòå èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ î...

Page 13: ... Wash cycles 19 Table of wash cycles Rinse aid and refined salt 20 Measuring out the rinse aid Measuring out the refined salt Care and maintenance 21 Shutting off the water and electricity supplies Cleaning the dishwasher Preventing unpleasant odours Cleaning the sprayer arms Cleaning the water inlet filter Cleaning the filters Leaving the machine unused for extended periods Precautions and advice...

Page 14: ...ater and electricity supplies should only be performed by a qualified technician The dishwasher should not stand on top of the water hoses or the electricity supply cable The appliance must be connected to the water supply network using new hoses Do not use old hoses The water inlet A and outlet B hoses and the electricity supply cable may be positioned towards the right or the left in order to ac...

Page 15: ...its Technical Assistance Service in order to prevent all potential hazards See Assistance The Company shall not be held responsible for any incidents that occur if these regulations are not observed Anti condensation strip After installing the dishwasher open the door and stick the adhesive transparent strip under the wooden shelf in order to protect it from any condensation which may form Advice ...

Page 16: ...dispenser 10 Detergent and rinse aid dispensers 11 Data plate 12 Control Panel Control panel Only in completely built in models Only available in selected models The number and type of wash cycles and options may vary depending on the dishwasher model ON OFF RESET button ON OFF indicator light Low salt indicator light Select wash cycle button Low rinse aid indicator light Wash cycle indicator ligh...

Page 17: ... saucepans which are not too soiled using the Loading examples as a guide Mugs and cups long sharp knives and serving utensils place these on the tip up compartments Tip up compartments with adjustable tilt The tilt feature can be used to increase the space in the upper rack to position wine glasses with different stem lengths safely and to improve drying performance Lift the tip up compartment sl...

Page 18: ... type of crockery and its soil level see Table of wash cycles by pressing the P button the indicator light corresponding to the selected wash cycle will switch on 7 Start the wash cycle by shutting the door after a few seconds have passed a long beep signals the start of the wash cycle 8 Two short beeps and one long one indicate the end of the wash cycle and the indicator light corresponding to th...

Page 19: ...ate items which are sensitive to high temperatures Run cycle immediately after use glasses upper rack delicate plates lower rack Crystal 25 g A 25 g A 1 A Yes 1 35 If the crockery is only lightly soiled or if it has been rinsed with water before being placed in the dishwasher reduce the amount of detergent used accordingly The number and type of wash cycles and options may vary depending on the di...

Page 20: ...owly on the control panel the water softening system is set to number 3 Press the P button repeatedly until the desired hardness level has been reached 1 2 3 4 5 see Water hardness table E g hardness 1 indicator light 1 flashing hardness 2 indicator light 1 illuminated indicator light 2 flashing hardness 3 indicator lights 1 and 2 illuminated indicator light 3 flashing and so on To exit the functi...

Page 21: ... the water run to make sure it is clear and free of impurities before performing the necessary connections If this precaution is not taken the water inlet could become blocked and damage the dishwasher Clean the water inlet filter at the tap outlet regularly Turn off the water tap Unscrew the end of the water inlet hose remove the filter and clean it carefully under running water Replace the filte...

Page 22: ...ances should not be disposed of using the normal solid urban waste cycle Exhausted appliances should be collected separately in order to optimise the cost of re using and recycling the materials inside the machine while preventing potential damage to the atmosphere and to public health The crossed out dustbin is marked on all products to remind the owner of their obligations regarding separated wa...

Page 23: ...are overloaded see Loading the racks The crockery has not been arranged well The sprayer arms cannot move freely The wash cycle is too gentle see Wash cycles An excessive amount of foam has been produced the detergent has not been measured out correctly or it is not suitable for use in dishwashers see Start up and use The lid on the rinse aid compartment has not been shut correctly The filter is d...

Page 24: ... with well trained and honest service professionals Today it consists of about 350 service centers in Russia and CIS The contacts are available in your service certificate and on the website www hotpoint ariston ru If you need to call to the service center Att Always ask for original spare parts for your repair NOTE FOR DESIGNERS we keep the information that was here before Before contacting Assis...
