Hotpoint Ariston BOZ 3020 HA Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 16



Maintenance and care

Switching the appliance off

During cleaning and maintenance it is necessary to

disconnect the appliance from the electricity supply:

It is not sufficient to set the temperature adjustment knobs
on   (appliance off) to eliminate all electrical contact.

Cleaning the appliance

• The external and internal parts, as well as the rubber

seals may be cleaned using a sponge that has been

soaked in lukewarm water and bicarbonate of soda or

neutral soap. Do not use solvents, abrasive products,

bleach or ammonia.

• The removable accessories may be soaked in warm

water and soap or dishwashing liquid. Rinse and dry

them carefully.

Avoiding mould and unpleasant odours

• The appliance is manufactured with hygienic materials

which are odour free. In order to maintain an odour free

refrigerator and to prevent the formation of stains, food

must always be covered or sealed properly.

• If you want to switch the appliance off for an extended

period of time, clean the inside and leave the doors


Defrosting the appliance



Follow the instructions below.

Do not use objects with sharp or pointed edges to defrost

the appliance as these may damage the refrigeration

circuit beyond repair.

Defrosting the refrigerator compartment

The refrigerator has an

automatic defrosting

function: water is ducted

to the back of the

appliance by a special

discharge outlet (



) where the heat

produced by the

compressor causes it to


It is necessary to clean the

discharge hole regularly so that the water can flow out


Defrosting the freezer compartment

If the frost layer is greater than 5 mm, it is necessary to

defrost manually:

1. Set the TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT knob to the

position   .

2. Wrap frozen foods in newspaper and place them in

another freezer or in a cool place.

3. Leave the door open until the frost has melted

completely. This can be made easier by placing

containers with lukewarm water in the freezer


4. Certain appliances are fitted with the DRAIN SYSTEM to

lead the water outside: let the water flow into a container


see diagram


5. Clean and dry the

freezer compartment

carefully before switching

the appliance on again.
6. Wait for approximately 2

hours, i.e. until the ideal

storage conditions have

been restored, before

placing food in the freezer


Replacing the light bulb

To replace the light bulb in the refrigerator compartment,

pull out the plug from the electrical socket. Follow the

instructions below.

Access the light bulb by removing the cover as indicated in

the diagram. Replace it with a similar light bulb within the

power range indicated on

the cover (15W or 25W).

Summary of Contents for BOZ 3020 HA

Page 1: ...asý Bakým ve temizlik 6 Elektrik sebekesinin devre dýsý býrakýlmasý Cihazýn temizlenmesi Küfün ve istenmeyen kokularýn önlenmesi Eritme Ampulün degistirilmesi Önlemler ve öneriler 7 Genel güvenlik uyarýlarý Atýklarýn tasfiye edilmesi Enerji tasarrufu ve çevre korumasý Ariza ve onarým 8 Teknik Servis 9 BUZDOLAP Türkçe 1 TR BOZ 3020 VT HA Kullaným kýlavuzu TR TR TR TR TR English 11 GB ...

Page 2: ... için en az 3 saat bekleyiniz Cihazýn fisini bir elektrik prizine takmadan önce asagýdakileri kontrol ediniz priz topraklý tesisata sahip ve yürürlükteki normlara uygun olmalýdýr elektrik prizi sogutucu bölmesinin sol tarafýnýn asagýsýnda bulunan özellik etikentinde belirtilen maksimum yükü ör 150 W tasýyabilmelidir besleme gerilimi dondurucu bölmesi içinde bulunan özellik etiketinde belirtilen de...

Page 3: ...Çürüme olasýlýðý yüksek meyve ve sezbeler için üst çekmeler Çýkarýlabilen KAPAKLI raf A I R Sistemi Ariston Entegre Soðutma Genel görünüm Kullaným talimatlarý birkaç model için geçerli oldugu için sekil satýn aldýgýnýz cihazdaki olmayandegisik ayrýntýlarý gösterebilir Sonraki sayfalarda en karýsýk cisimler açýklanmýstýr Sayýsý ve ya pozisyonu degisebilir Sadece bazý modellerde mevcuttur Cihazin ta...

Page 4: ...inde mümkün olduðunca hýzlý bir þekilde en iyi derecede sýcaklýk elde edilmesine yardým ederek hava sirkülasyonunu en üst düzeye çýkarýr Üflenen hava A soðuk duvarla temas ettiðinde soður oysa sýcak hava B emilir þemaya bakýnýz ISI AYAR düðmesi yüksek deðerlere ayarlandýðýnda gýdanýn büyük miktarda yerleþtirilmiþ olmasý ve dýþ ortam sýcaklýðý yüksek olmasý durumunda cihaz devamlý çalýþabilir Böyle...

Page 5: dondurma islemini garanti eder Dondurucu icinde sývý olan kapagi kapatýlmýs sise koymayýnýz patlayabilir Günlük en fazla yiyecek dondurma miktarý sogutucu içinde asagýda sagda bulunan teknik veriler etiketi üzerinde yazýlýdýrlar örnegin Kg 24h 4 Dondurma islemi sýrasýnda kapagý acmamaya özen gösteriniz Elektrik kesintisi veya ariza durumunda kapagý acmayýnýz dondurulmus gidalar 9 14 saate kadar...

Page 6: ... oluþan su su boþaltma oluðundan geçerek þekile bakýnýz buzdolabýnýn arka kýsmýna akar ve burada kompresör tarafýndan üretilen sýcaklýkla buharlaþýr Periyodik olarak su boþaltma borusunun deliði suyun rahatça akabilmesi için temizlenmelidir Periyodik olarak su bosaltma borusunun deligi suyun rahatça akabilmesi için temizlenmelidir Bakým ve temizlik Dondurucu bölmesinin eritmesi Olusan karlarýn kal...

Page 7: ...n vermeyiniz Kesinlikle çekmece üstüne oturmamalý ve kapýya tutunup sarkmamaldýr Ambalaj çocuk oyuncagý degildir Atýklarýn tasfiye edilmesi Ambalaj malzemelerinin tasfiye edilmesi yerel normlara uygun olarak tasfiye ediniz böylece tasfiye edilen malzemelerin geri donusumu saglanmýs olacaktýr Eletrik ve eletronik cihazlarýn atýklarýný degerlendirme 2002 96 CE sayýlý Avrupa Konseyi direktifinde beya...

Page 8: sýk sýk açýlýyor ISININ AYAR düðmesini doðru þekilde ayarlanmamýþ Soðutucu veya dondurucu fazla doldurulmuþ Ürünün çalýþtýðý çevre ýsýsý 14 C den düþük ISININ AYAR düðmesini doðru þekilde ayarlanmamýþ Gli alimenti sono a contatto con la parete posteriore A I R faný sadece soðutucu bölümü içinde uygun þartlarýn yeniden saðlanmasý gerektiðinde otomatik olarak devreye girer Kapak tam kapalý deðil ...

Page 9: ... model seri numarasý Teknik Servis Teknik servisi çagýrmadan önce Servise basvurmadan çözülebilecek bir ariza olup olmadýgýný kontrol ediniz Ariza ve onarým bölümüne bakýnýz Sonucun olmusuz olmasý durumunda en yakýn Teknik Servise basvurunuz Asagýdaki bilgileri bildiriniz ariza tipini cihazýn modelini Mod seri numarasýný S N Istenilecek bilgiler sogutucu içinde asagýda sagda bulunan teknik veriler...

Page 10: ...10 TR 195068367 00 12 2007 Xerox Business Services ...

Page 11: ... its full potential Using the freezer to its full potential Maintenance and care 16 Switching the appliance off Cleaning the appliance Avoiding mould and unpleasant odours Defrosting the appliance Replacing the light bulb Precautions and tips 17 General safety Disposal Respecting and conserving the environment Troubleshooting 18 Assistance 19 Operating Instructions English 11 GB REFRIGERATOR Türkç...

Page 12: it to the electricity mains Before inserting the plug into the electrical socket ensure the following The appliance is earthed and the plug is compliant with the law The socket can withstand the maximum power of the appliance which is indicated on the data plate located on the bottom left side of the fridge e g 150 W The voltage must be in the range between the values indicated on the data plat...

Page 13: ...LITRE BOTTLE BOTTLE RACK CAN RACK flap door Top drawers for HIGHLY PERISHABLES FRUIT and VEGETABLE Removable lidded shelf with EGG TRAY A I R System Overall view The instructions contained in this manual are applicable to different model refrigerators The diagrams may not directly represent the appliance purchased For more complex features consult the following pages Varies by number and or positi...

Page 14: ...orrect level even if the door is opened frequently the blown air A is cooled when it comes into contact with the cold wall whereas the hotter air B is sucked up see diagram If the TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT knob has been set on high values with large quantities of food and with a high ambient temperature the appliance can operate continuously resulting in excessive frost formation and excessive energy...

Page 15: ...s which contain liquids and which are corked or hermetically sealed in the freezer because they could break The maximum quantity of food that may be frozen daily is indicated on the plate containing the technical properties located on the bottom left side of the refrigerator compartment for example Kg 24h 4 Do not open the door during freezing If there is a power cut or malfunction do not open the...

Page 16: ...igerator compartment The refrigerator has an automatic defrosting function water is ducted to the back of the appliance by a special discharge outlet see diagram where the heat produced by the compressor causes it to evaporate It is necessary to clean the discharge hole regularly so that the water can flow out easily Defrosting the freezer compartment If the frost layer is greater than 5 mm it is ...

Page 17: ...owed to sit on the bins or to hang from the door Keep packaging material out of the reach of children It can become a choking or suffocation hazard Disposal Observe local environmental standards when disposing packaging material for recycling purposes The European Directive 2002 96 EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEEE requires that old household electrical appliances must not be di...

Page 18: ...ct position The refrigerator or the freezer have been over filled The atmospheric temperature of the area surrounding the appliance is lower than 14 C The TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT knob is not in the correct position The food is in contact with the back inside wall of the refrigerator The AIR system is only activated automatically when it becomes necessary to restore perfect operational conditions in...

Page 19: ...n can be found on the data plate located on the bottom left side of the refrigerator compartment Never call on unauthorized technicians and always refuse spare parts which are not originals Mod RG 2330 TI Cod 93139180000 S N 704211801 220 240 V 50 Hz 150 W W Fuse A Max 15 w Total Gross Bruto Brut Compr Kompr Syst R 134 a kg 0 090 Gross Bruto Brut 340 Net Util Utile Gross Bruto Brut Freez Capac Pod...

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