When using your Soul Press/Bass Press ( "Press"
) as an expression pedal, simply use a
TRS (Tip-Ring-Sleeve) cable to connect the Press OUTPUT jack and your device's
expression pedal INPUT jack. Make sure you're using a cable with both ends TRS plugs
(at least the plug connected to the Press should be a TRS end).
As the schematic shows, the TRS plug tip connects to the potentiometer wiper when in
EXP mode. If the polarity is incorrect, please reverse the polarity (Tip and Ring) of
your cable and try again.
EXP mode can function without a power supply. If the pedal doesn't work, hit the
footswitch and try again (without power, the lights will not appear to indicate if the
pedal is switched on or off).
The potentiometer resistance value varies from 10kΩ (BOTTOM VALUE dial at
minimum position) to 20kΩ (BOTTOM VALUE dial at maximum position). Please
make sure the potentiometer resistance is supported on your devices.