HotBrick, Tel: 305-398-0888, Fax: 305-398-5966
Appendix D : IPSec Tunnel Examples
VPN Configuration – Examples
Tunnel to HotBrick Unit
The HotBrick units in the following example use registered IP addresses. You have to replace these
addresses with IP addresses that are available t
you. These settings are only possible if you have a static IP
address available on one or both of your WAN ports.
This example takes a tunnel between a VPN 1400/2 and a
VPN. This example applies to the
401VPN X2, LB-2 VPN a
nd 1400/2 series, you can use either unit at both sides. You can use the IP
addresses from the network diagram above.
This type of tunnel is named a LAN to LAN IPSec tunnels.