3. Defrost
UR/WR Defrost - Possible Cause
1. Control Module (fails to initiate)
See "II.C. Control Module Check"
a) Defective-Cumulative 5-hr. defrost timer fails.
b) Defective-1-hr. defrost lock-out timer fails.
2. Control Module (fails to terminate)
See "II.C. Control Module Check"
a) Defrost thermistor connection loose.
b) Defective.
3. Defrost Thermistor (Confirm DTh
status. See "II.D. Thermistor Check")
a) Defective.
SR and UF/WF Defrost - Possible Cause
1. Control Module (fails to initiate)
See "II.C. Control Module Check"
a) Defective (Cumulative 5-hr. defrost timer fails).
2. Defrost Safety Thermostat
a) Defective. Open. Cut-out: 120°F
F (49
C), Cut-in: 70
3. Defrost Heater
a) Defrost safety thermostat open.
b) Defective.
4. Defrost Thermistor (Confirm DTh
status. See "II.D. Thermistor Check")
a) Defective.
5. Control Module (fails to terminate)
See "II.C. Control Module Check"
a) Defrost thermistor connection loose.