Freeze Cycle – LED 1 is on. The compressor, fan motors and pump motor remain
energized. The liquid line valves energize and the hot gas valves de-energize (also
de-energizing the X1 relay). The lower float switch activates (open) times during
the course of a freeze cycle; the first is for refill, the second is for freeze termination.
After the second lower float switch activation, the control board terminates freeze and
initiates harvest. Every 10th cycle, the control board initiates a 10 second pump-out
cycle between the freeze and harvest cycles. See "II.C.3.d) Pump-Out Frequency
Lower Float Switch 1st Activation: Refill – LEDs 1 and 4 are on. The refill can occur
at any time during the freeze cycle (1 refill per cycle). As ice builds the water level drops
in the reservoir and the lower float switch activates (opens). LED 4 comes on and the
control board energizes the fill water valve. The fill water valve remains energized until
the upper float switch closes or the 1 minute fill timer terminates, whichever comes first.
Lower Float Switch 2nd Activation: LED 1 is on. The unit is held in freeze by a
5 minute short cycle protection timer. After the 1st lower float switch activation and refill,
ice continues to form and the water level drops in the reservoir. When the lower float
switch activates (opens) a second time, the freeze cycle terminates (freeze can only
be terminated on the second activation of the lower float switch and after 5 minutes
of freeze).
Diagnosis: Minimum freeze time is 5 minutes. During the first 5 minutes of
freeze, confirm that the evaporator temperature drops, compressor, fan motors, pump
motor, and liquid line valves are energized and that the hot gas valves, harvest water
valve and fill water valve (except during refill) are de-energized and not bypassing.
Make sure the expansion valves are operating properly and, in cold conditions,
make sure the headmaster (C.P. Regulator) is operating correctly. Make sure that the
drain water valve is not leaking by (water flowing down the potable drain). Check for
proper unit pressures (see "III.C. Performance Data"), or an inoperative compressor.
Disconnect the black K5 float switch connector from the control board. 15 seconds
after disconnecting the black K5 float switch connector, LED 4 comes on and refill
begins. Connect the black K5 float switch connector back on the control board. When
the refill is finished (LED 4 goes off), disconnect the black K5 float switch connector
again. If 5 or more minutes have elapsed in the freeze cycle, the unit should switch out
of the freeze cycle. After the unit switches out of freeze, reconnect the black K5 float
switch connector to the control board. If the unit remains in freeze with the float switch
disconnected, replace the board. To check the float switch, see "II.F.3. Float Switch
Check Procedure."
Note: Normal freeze cycle will last 30 to 35 minutes depending on model and
conditions. Cycle times and pressures should follow performance data provided
in this manual.