Bottom Rail
Shoe Lock Handle
Lower Shoe Assembly
Upper Shoe Assembly
Back Extension
Large Pad Assembly
Hitch Pin
Corn Head Plate
Locking Pin - Long
Shoe Heal Pin
Lower Locking Pin - Short
Quick Release and Lock
The quick release and lock features an over-centre locking
mechanism which tightly clamps on the bottom rail to
ensure a secure lock while transporting your header from
job to job.
When aligning the pads to the header be aware of pinch
points and overhead hazards. Wear proper PPE.
Quick release and lock :
• Firmly grasp the shoe lock handle, push down on the
handle to release the lock.
• Position pad to the desired location.
• Firmly grasp the shoe lock handle, pull up on the
handle to engage the lock.
Universal Header Pads
There are two universal header pads, they are located along the bottom beam of the header wagon. The quick
release and lock universal header pad makes it easy to reposition for your header along the beam. Once in position,
the revolutionary triple-axis base universal pad provides you with multiple pad configurations. Making these multi-
functional pads the only pads you’ll ever need.
Pinch Point Hazard
When mounting the header onto the
pads be aware of pinch points: keep
hands and feet away from the mount
ing points and pads during mounting.