Page 1: ...OWNER S MANUAL 取扱説明書 ...
Page 2: ...ators and fresnel lens ベッド部 ベッドダウン 15 レンズスタンダード部 スイング 左右各 15 チルト 前 10 後 15 ライズ 28mm シフト 左右各 30mm Bed 15 drop Lens standard 15 right or left swing 10 forward and 15 backward tilt 28mm rise 30mm right or left shift Rack and Pinion extension maximum72mm 蛇腹伸長量 Bellows Extension その他 Other 三脚ネジ穴 Tripod Socket JIS 規格 1 4 1 ヶ所 ボディ上部前蓋開閉式 Swingable flap on camera body Standard 1 4 UNC アクセサリーシュー Accessory Sh...
Page 3: ...ass Back Connecting Frame Hand Strap Bracket Bellows Lensboard Retainer Lock Lensboard Retainer Tilt Lock Bed Braces Tripod Socket 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Flap Flap Lock Focus Lock Focusing Track Infinity Stops Focusing Knobs Swing Lock Lensboard Channel Shift Lock Lens Standard Pull out Grips Rise Lock Hand Strap Accessory Shoe Safety Lock Button Cam...
Page 4: ...mera back to slide in a film holder Be sure the holder is correctly seated before pulling out the dark slide Roll Film Holders Remove the ground glass frame then set the film holder in place and secure it to the camera with the accessory catches 16 5 本体より取り外し 上下のヒンジ 17 を押し込み そのまま枠を右 へスライドさせ はずします 本体への取り付け 本体後部へピ ントガラス枠を当て 左へスライ ドさせると取りつきます To Remove While pushing in the ground glass frame latches 17...
Page 5: ...るめ たネジを固定します この時にはレンズスタンダー ド部がフィルム面に平行になるように充分に注意を 払って下さい Infinity stops 5 can be adjusted as follows 1 Return all lens standard movements to their neutral position including the focusing track and tighten all locks 2 With a lens in place and the camera on a tripod open the lens shutter and the lens diaphragm to its maximum aperture 3 Select some tall distant object to focus on at least 500 meters ...
Page 6: ...eir adjusted positions before taking the photograph Before closing the camera be sure to return all movements to their neutral position and lock in place Important As the lens standard cannot be drawn out of the camera body onto the focusing track with the bed dropped be certain to have the lens standard already on the track before dropping the bed ご注意 ベッドダウンした状態 では レンズスタンダー ド部を引き出せないの で レールに引き出した...
Page 7: ... TEL 03 3639 3351 FAX 03 3808 0116 HORSEMAN は株式会社駒村商会の登録商標です この取扱説明書に掲載の製品に関する外観 仕様等は予告な しに変更することがあります HORSEMAN is a registered trademark of Komamura Corporation Tokyo Japan Specifications are subject to change without notice www komamura co jp ...