August 19, 2021
Page 195 | 198
%Q bits, 80
Accessories, 16
accumulator, 89, 90, 92, 94
Add Target Screenshot in Cscape, 66
Alarms, 139
Alpha-numeric keypad, 134
Analog Input Tranzorb Failure, 84
Analog Inputs, 84
Analog Outputs, 86
Audio Config Details, 147
Audio Configuration in Cscape, 146
Audio Files, 148
Audio Playback Configuration, 146
AutoLoad, 173
AutoRun, 175
Backup / Restore, 169
Back-up Battery, 179
Backup, 186
Battery backed RAM, 47, 162
Battery Life, 179
Beeper Acknowledgement, 137
CAN Comm
Cscape Programming, 115
I/O Expansion (Network I/O), 115
Ladder-Controlled, 115
Overview, 114
Ports, 114
CAN Communications, 114
CE, 11
Clone, 47
Clone Unit, 47, 162
, 164
COM, 33, 35, 38, 111, 113, 115, 188, 189
COM port, 188
Communicating via MJ1 Serial Port, 69
Communication options, 116, 122
Communications Port, 65, 66, 189
CE, 11
Configuration of a Removable Media, 158
Configuration via Mini-B USB, 113
Configured reset value, 91
Configuring Video Properties, 152
, 101, 103
Csape Program
Via Serial Port, 113
Cscape, 2, 15, 35, 36, 59, 62, 68, 77, 80, 82, 83, 84,
85, 86, 87, 111, 113, 115, 137, 156, 157, 188,
189, 190
Alternative Connection Method Screenshot, 66
Analog In Configuration, 75
Analog Out Configuration, 76
Configuration Procedures, 71
Digita In / HSC Configuration, 73
Digital Out / PWM Configuration, 74
Establishing Communications, 63
Overview, 62
Status Bar, 62
Cscape Connection Wizard Screenshots, 65
Cscape LAN Config, 121
Register, 121
Data Mapping
Update Type
, 130
Data Mapping Configuration, 130
datasheet, 4, 83, 86
Default Gateway, 119
Device Configuration, 128
Device List, 128
Device List and Device Configuration, 128
Device Manager, 189
Devices to Connect to XL7, 14
Digital Inputs, 83
Dimensions, 21
Direct digital input control, 91
Downloadable Communication Protocols
Overview, 122
Duty Cycle, 105, 106
Duty Cycle Examples, 106, 107
Edit-value mode
, 134
Enable AutoLoad, 46
Enable AutoRun, 45
Ethernet, 63
Ethernet Communication, 116
Ethernet Configuration
IP Parameters, 121
Ethernet Module
Default Gateway, 119
IP Address, 119
Net Mask, 119
Status Register, 119
Version Register, 120