N o v e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 2 1
P a g e 33 | 194
View Protocols
The View Protocols Sub-Menu displays three System Settings, none of which are editable.
As mentioned in
Downloadable Serial Communication Protocols
section, both the MJ1 (Port 1)
and MJ2 (Port 2) serial ports support downloadable protocols. To assign a downloadable
protocol to an XL4/XL4 Prime OCS serial port, select the Protocol Config item in Cscape
Program menu and then setup a protocol for Port 1 or Port 2 (or both).
In the View Protocols Sub-Menu, the currently downloaded protocol, if any, and its version
number are displayed for both Port 1 and Port 2.
Port 1
Protocol Name
(None Loaded) or name of the protocol assigned to MJ1
Protocol Version
Blank or version of the protocol assigned to MJ1
Port 2
Protocol Name
(None Loaded) or name of the protocol assigned to MJ2
Protocol Version
Blank or version of the protocol assigned to MJ2