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Tel: 317 916-4274
Fax:: 317 639-4279
Hazardous Location Series
• To avoid personal injury, disconnect power to the light and allow the unit to cool down before
performing maintenance.
• Perform visual, electrical and mechanical inspec�ons on a regular biasis. The environment and
frequency of use should determine this. However, it is recommended that checks should be made at
least once a year. Frequency of use and environment should determine this.
• The external glass should be cleaned periodically to ensure con�nued luminaire performance. Clean the
glass with a clean damp, non-abrasive, lint-free cloth. If this is not sufficient, use a mild soap or a liquid
cleaner. DO NOT use an abrasive, strong alkaline or acid cleaner as damage may occur.
• Inspect the cooling fins on the luminaire to ensure that they are free of any contamina�on
(i.e. excessive dust build-up). Clean with a non-abrasive cloth if needed.
• Mechanically check to make sure al parts are properly assembled.
• Electrically check to make sure that all connec�ons are clean and �ght.
• Heavy-duty Anodized Die Cas�ng Aluminum
• Shell surface of electrosta�c spraying - long las�ng and durable
• Shell protec�on - Over-voltage and Over-heat protec�on
• Exposed fasteners with quality stainless steel
• Excellent an�-corrosive property