Horizontal Stabilizer Installation
1. Using a Phillips screwdriver, install the elevator control horn on the bottom of
the stabilizer with the included M3x8mm machine screws, but leave it loose
for adjustment. See the control surface centering section for fi nal adjustments
after your transmitter is set up and the binding process is complete.
2. Position the retaining collar in the cavity on the bottom of the stabilizer, with
the small hole in the collar facing out.
3. With the fuselage inverted, slide the stabilizer half onto the stabilizer rod. As the
stabilizer slides on, align the pin on the servo arm with the slot in the control
horn. Align the retaining collar with the stabilizer rod as the stabilizer slides fully
into place. Align the hole in the stabilizer rod with the hole in the retaining collar.
Care must be taken when inverting the fuselage to not break the
pre-installed scale antenna mast from the top of the fuselage.
4. Apply a drop of thread locking compound to the M3x8mm setscrew. Thread the
setscrew into the stabilizer rod through the hole in the retaining collar, using a
Phillips screwdriver.
5. Repeat the process for the other stabilizer half.
Wing Installation
1. Slide the wing tube into the fuselage.
2. Slide the wings partially onto the wing tube.
3. Connect the fl ap and aileron servo extensions to the fuselage ports. Make
sure the connectors are inserted into the correct ports and polarity of the
connectors are correct. The ports are labelled to ensure proper connection.
Feed the excess wire into the cavity in the wing. Do not allow the
wire to be pinched between the wing and fuselage.
4. Secure the wing halves into position from the bottom using the four included
M3x16mm counter sunk machine screws (2mm hex driver required).
Disassemble in reverse order.