When you are fi nished driving your vehicle:
1. Power off the vehicle.
2. Power off the transmitter.
3. Remove the vehicle battery
and charge if necessary.
Binding is the process of programming the receiver to recognize a specifi c transmitter signal, thus preventing interference
from other transmitters. The transmitter and receiver included with your vehicle are bound at the factory. If you need to
rebind, follow the instructions below.
Do not attempt to bind the transmitter and reciever if any other compatible transmitters are in bind mode
within approximately 400 feet (120 meters). Doing so may result in unexpected binding to the wrong transmitter and
loss of control of your vehicle.
Prior to starting the binding procedure, ensure the servos and motor are connected to the proper ports on the receiver
and the transmitter has fresh batteries installed.
1. Power on the transmitter while pressing the BIND button. The transmitter LED will fl ash.
2. Power on the receiver. The receiver LED will fl ash rapidly.
3. When the LED glows solid, binding is complete.
The receiver LED will glow solid when both the transmitter and receiver are powered on. If the receiver LED fl ashes
rapidly or is not illuminated, the transmitter and receiver are not bound. Power off both the transmitter and receiver and
repeat the binding procedure.