For video assistance regarding assembly, visit the
Apprentice product page at www.horizonhobby.com
Flying Conditions
A good flying day is calm, with winds that are less than 5–7 mph (8–11km/h).
Flying in faster winds than this could make flying difficult and result in a crash.
Wind near the ground can be less than the wind at the elevation where your
aircraft flies.
Ground Launch
Take off from the ground in Beginner mode is recommended for first flights,
however, if the ground is not hard and level, get help to hand launch your
1. Place the aircraft on its landing gear in a large, open area with smooth
asphalt or concrete. The aircraft’s nose should point into the wind (in no
greater than 5–7 mph (8–11km/hr) wind).
2. Stand behind your aircraft so you can see the rudder, ailerons and elevator.
3. Slowly move the throttle stick to FULL (100%) while gently pulling back on
the elevator stick. Use the rudder to keep the aircraft’s nose pointed into
the wind while it leaves the ground.
4. With a full battery in calm wind, your aircraft should rise off the ground in
approximately 20 feet (7 meters).
Take off in Beginner mode, increase throttle and keep the aircraft
straight with the rudder control. The aircraft will rise from a level runway in
a short distance. Obtain a steady climb to a safe altitude. Use Panic Switch
if needed.
Hand Launch
When learning to fly, get help to hand-launch your aircraft so you can
concentrate on flying. If you must hand-launch the aircraft alone, hold
the model in your dominant hand and the transmitter in your other hand.
An optional neck strap (SPMP610, sold separately) can help you hold the
1. Grip the aircraft under the fuselage, behind the rear landing gear.
2. Carefully increase transmitter throttle control to FULL (100%).
3. Throw the aircraft slightly nose up and directly into the wind while keeping
the wings parallel to the ground.
Hand launch in Beginner mode. The technology will keep the aircraft
level and in a climb. Obtain a safe and steady climb to a safe altitude.