Types of emergency:
In the unlikely event that you are involved in an emergency stay calm and follow these steps.
You will also have an Emergency Procedure card next to your VHF.
Distress: “MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY.” This is an International Distress signal and an
imperative call for assistance. It is used only when a life or vessel is considered to be in grave
and imminent danger.
Mayday Relay: used to summon help for a vessel which is either too far offshore to contact the
coastguard directly, without radio capabilities or whose radio has been damaged or destroyed.
Urgency: “PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN” This is the International Urgency Signal and is used
when a vessel or person is in some jeopardy but is not considered to be in grave and imminent
Medical emergency: “PAN-PAN MEDICO, PAN-PAN MEDICO, PAN-PAN MEDICO” (Pronounced
med-ick-oh). This is an International Urgency Signal that should be used when medical advice is
Safety: “SECURITE, SECURITE, SECURITE” (Pronounced Say-cure-it-tay). This is an
International Safety Signal and is a message about some aspect of navigational safety or a
weather warning.
How to issue an emergency message
Select Channel 16 and press transmit button on handset
Say slowly and clearly
This is…. (vessel name)….’ and repeat vessel name 3 times
Give position
– vessel’s position in degrees of latitude and longitude or nautical miles from, and
bearing to, a navigational landmark
Describe emergency
list the problem,
the type of assistance needed; number of passengers
aboard (boat length, hull colour and type is also useful)
Wait 1 minute for a response, repeat message
767(SOS) or 999 from any BVI cell phone or call 494-
HELP (4357)