adjustment: ca. 0-2 deg down, ca. 0-1 deg right. Fix the mount in position with few CA drops.
Remove the bolt and secure the motor mount in position with epoxy, around the mount
perimeter, from both outside and inside. Be sure to leave the mount surface clean, in area of
the contact with the motor face.
Sand the excess pod tip so that the motor mount is ca. 1-1,5 mm deep.
Bend the canopy mount wire (piano wire 0,8 mm), so that the ends are in the middle of the
canopy. The wire should be longer than the canopy, ca. 3 mm on both ends are just fine. Drop
fix in place with medium CA and activator. Secure with a square layer of glass fibre.
Epoxy in position ply rectangles (touch the FG with sandpaper before), which make for the
wing bolt attachment nuts. Using the wing as template drill holes 3,2 mm a run tap M4:
Mark the holes centers, drill holes ca 1,5 mm and check for the correct position. If not
satisfied, use rat tail file to “move” the hole center. Only then drill holes 3,2 mm.
Complete the two front holes first, screw the wing in position and then repeat for the rear pair.
Assemble the wing and fuselage pod. Assemble the boom/ tail parts assembly – see below.
Make the cut outs in the servo mount to accept the servos you will use. Install the mount and
the servos. There is enough space for the Dymond 47 servos, but hardly for other servos. Be
sure to install the servos in the rear area of the cut-out in the wing saddle. You will need some
space for the wing servos connectors in the front part of the cut-out.
Even if invisible, the wing surface is slightly porous. Any contact with some organic
solver (nitro) will attack the foam core!
Use very sharp and thin blade to cut the notches for the arms in the moving surfaces. Locate
the arms so that they protrude through the parts. Epoxy glue the arms in place from both
surfaces. The epoxy fills the corners what provides for very firm assembly.
The arms of the brakes point rearwards!
Cut off the servo flanges. With servo tester or RC set up neutral servo arm positions. The
aileron servos arms point in right angle to the wing bottom surface, the brakes servo arms
should point rearwards so that the scope of the motion allows for full brake deflection.
We have got excellent experience with the 1,5 carbon pins, which secure the tail parts in place.
Drill two 1,5 mm holes for the fin securing pins
the boom. Mark the positions of
the holes on the fin root rib. Drill holes in the fin. Assemble and glue the fin to the boom.
Screw the stab to the stab mount with the plastic bolt, fix its position with 1,5 mm pins but do
not glue them yet.
Place the stab/mount assembly onto the boom, take care to keep right angle veritically and
horizontally. When correct, drop CA to “pin” the mount in place.
Remove the stab and glue the mount on the boom with medium CA. Check again.
Drill 1,5 mm holes through the mount AND boom, install the 1,5 mm carbon pins and glue with
thin CA.
Only NOW push and glue the complete tail and boom assembly on the pod. Rotate the boom
on the pod, so that the stab is perfectly perpendicular with the wing.
The centerline of the stab airfoil should be perpenticular with the boom axis.
Servos – moving parts connection
As the tail arm is rather long, it is most important to keep the servo/horn connection as
lightweight as possible. The weight of the conventional full-length wire/tubing would be higher,
that the weight of the boom.
Our solution is to use carbon rod 0,8 mm pushrods, which connect the servo arms with the