Hopetech Electronics Technology
Stop testing the next steps when one step fails.
After the above settings are completed, press
return test interface. Press
start the test. Because start voltage is set to 5V, in the future, when the E-load detects an
input voltage greater than 5V, the E-load will automatically start to test.( If start voltage set
at 0V means to turn off this function)
After the test is completed, by the left and right buttons to go to test data interface.
Observe unqualified items and detailed test data.
3.6 Dynamic Function
The dynamic mode make the E-load to switch repeatedly between the two load currents.
This function is usually used to test dynamic characteristics of the source. The principle is
shown in the figure below. The E-load loaded the source with the current Ib for Tb time
interval and then according to the setting flow rate. The load-current drops to the Ia load in
setting flow rate, and the entire drop time and the Ib load duration are Tb. Then, the load
current rise in setting up-rate from Ia to the Ib load-current. So the E-load switch
repeatedly in this manner to detect the dynamic characteristics of the source. The varying
load causes the source to overshoot and fall, and the E-load will display the overvoltage
voltage peak Vp+ and the falling voltage valley Vp- in real time.
Figure 3.15 DYNA loading