Tel: +86-755-82973805 Fax: +86-755-82973550 E-mail: [email protected]
Choose the check way of port:
None Check
EVEN Check
Odd Check
6.Working mode:
In the off-line mode, the test board has four working mode: normal mode
transmit mode
receive mode and sleep mode.
Normal mode: After power on, the test board is in normal mode,The
user pressing the S1 button momentarily that make the test board send
data.When send data red led flash once.When receive data green led flash
once and buzzer beeps once.
Transmit mode: In the normal mode,long-pressing the S1 button and
hear the buzzer beeps twice.Then the test board entry to the transmit
mode.In the transmit mode,send the data in every three seconds.The buzzer
beeps once after receive data. When pressing the S1 button momentarily
that reback to the normal mode after buzzer beeps once.
3)Receive mode: In the normal mode,long-pressing the S2 button and hear
the buzzer beeps twice,then the test board entry to the receive mode.In the
receive mode,the buzzer beeps once after receive data and return data.When
pressing the S2 button momentarily that make it return to normal mode after
buzzer beeps once.
sleep mode: In the normal mode,long-pressing S1/S2 button.The test
board turn into sleep mode after buzzer beeps twice and Red/Green Led
flashed.The user can
7.Communication test:
1)Manual communication test: When two test boards into normal mode.The
user press S1 button momentarily of one test board.Another test board
beeps once after receive data.
2)Automatic communication test: When one of the test board into transmit
mode and another into receive mode,then the buzzer beeps.That means it
received data.
Pay attention: Test boards do not, turn off the power.