Page 1: ...L2021 Instruction manual ...
Page 2: ...to the positive reference to the following figure operation test Testing on LED function DO NOT contact the LED wire end direct to the battery cell Use the provide battery holder Make sue the correct polarity Howtoassemblethebatteryholder 1 Material and tools needed Battery holder LED bulb tape screw driver and 2 piece AAA size battery not provided 2 Use screw driver and take the lid off from the ...
Page 3: ... J bag K bag L bag M bag N bag printing paper A bag B bag J bag K bag L bag M bag N bag printging paper A bag C bag K bag M bag P bag printing paper A bag C bag printing paper A bag D bag L bag M bag P bag printing paper J bag K bag L bag P bag printing paper J bag K bag L bag M bag N bag printing paper A bag D bag M bag printing paper A bag D bag printing paper A bag E bag L bag P bag printing pa...
Page 4: ...A23 2 A23 3 A23 4 Block splice plan A23 16 A23 16 J10 J10 M11 sink 28 01 Make a 90 degree right angle according to the dotted links A28 02 In the same way make 2 pieces J10 J10 A23 16 Glue all four sides together M11 M11 B01 B01 A23 9 B02 B02 B03 A23 12 front view B05 B04 B05 B04 B05 Place B04 in the middle of B05 B06 A28 04 A28 03 A23 18 A23 13 A23 5 A23 5 A23 11 A28 05 A28 05 Left side Right sid...
Page 5: ...03 J03 J03 J03 J10 J02 J02 J02 J02 J11 J11 J07 J12 J13 J06 K18 J05 L03 L08 L09 M04 J08 N14 N14 N14 N14 J09 N22 N23 A28 13 1CM Cut L01 to a length of 1cm L01 A28 22 J04 In that same man make the rest of the pot J02 A28 09 J03 J10 Make the rest in the same way Cut L09 out a 2 5cm L09 Bend according to L09 template as shown in the figures J06 J05 J04 J07 L09 J10 M02锅 L03 N22 N23 M04 Cut out about 0 1...
Page 6: ... B09 B11 B12 B13 B14 B14 A23 14 A28 19 A28 20 A28 21 A28 28 A28 10 5 A28 18 A28 17 A28 18 Roll up M12 as shown in the figures M12 M12 J08 Insert M12 into J08 round hol N14 J10 J13 2CM Cut L08 out a 2cm L08 Food Jar Seasoning flask Seasoning flask plate Bend according to L08 template as shown in the figures J09 J12 J11 J11 M02 kitchen towel A29 01 pot jug 33 K19 L04 L10 L19 K07 J14 N22 N23 A23 14 A...
Page 7: ...m as shown Cut L19 out 2 5cm 1 5CM 0 8CM Break L19 into 2 strips and cut one side short N22 A28 10 K19 potted plant wine bottle book B11 B12 B12 B11 A28 19 A28 20 A28 20 A28 19 L04 lucky cat box B13 B14 B14 L10 L10 L10 L19 In that same way make the other one Bending modeling as shown in the figure Paste the two together as shown in the figures 23 J14 Insert L19 into J14 to expose 1 5cm Tie up L10 ...
Page 8: ... cushion 4pieces A29 13 4个 M13 table cloth M13 table cushion L09 J14 J14 J16 J16 J16 J15 K18 L14 L15 B15 B16 B15 M13 table cloth Fold up 1cm on both sides back view front view M13 table cloth B17 B18 In the same way make 4pieces A29 13 M02 table cushion A29 13 M13 table cushion M02 yellow sushi M02 orange sushi A28 11 M04 orange sushi M02 orange sushi A28 08 A28 08 M03 yellow sushi M03 yellow sush...
Page 9: ... 1 cm thick L14 Cut in half L14 J16 Feel free to cut up some M02 M05 0 4CM 0 8CM L14 K18 J16 K18 N22 Cut out one M03 M02 from the front of the sushi M03 M02 And cut it up at random and put it in J15 J15 M04 N22 Cut a small piece of L15 about 0 1 cm thick L15 L12 J14 M08 wine bottle Separate L19 by 2pieces L19 apply the inside with glue Cut out a small piece of M05 Feel free to cut up some M02 ...
Page 10: ...conypottedplants L14 L15 L13 K03 K04 N11 L09 M14 balcony cushion M14 balcony cushion M14 study cushion M02 balcony cushion M02 balcony cushion M02 study cushion A29 14 A29 14 A29 14 A28 36 Fold up along the dotted line A24 4 A28 36 B20 B20 J18 K03 K04 L09 Bend according to L09 template as shown in the figures L09 J11 J14 M12 Roll up M12 and put in J14 N11 Trim off a few sprig N11 Cut L13 into smal...
Page 11: ...d Note that only two are needed here and the other one is kept in the back for up L09 L09 L09 J02 J02 22 23 1 2 3 4 M16 balcony cushion M02 balcony cushion A29 14 M13 balcony cushion A28 37 C01 C02 C03 L17 L17 Trim both ends of L17 and glue to the sides C04 C04 Please refer to page 7 for the seat cushion making method M13 A28 44 A24 3 K14 K14 K14 K14 11 12 13 14 C05 L18 L21 M17 M16 big bed quilt M...
Page 12: ...M16 big bed quilt Fold it in half and glue the sides together L18 M02 big queen bed sheets A25 1 C05 M16 big bed quilt M15 big bed quilt L21 M17 1CM Fold the top inwards 1cm and glue the bottom to create a fringe effect M16 small bed pillows M19 small bed pillows Glue three sides together M13 small bed pillows Stuff with cotton Glue the opening together In the same way make 2pieces M16 small bed s...
Page 13: ...14 A23 19 A23 21 A23 21 A28 47 P01 P01 C06 C07 C07 12 Fold it in half and glue the sides together Stuff with cotton Glue the opening together Fold up all four sides and glue tightly M02 small bed quilt L21 L21 M16 small bed sheet M16 small bed quilt M16 small bed quilt M15 small bed quilt M02 spa towel J10 J13 K09 K10 C07 C06 C07 A28 15 K10 J10 J13 A23 17 A25 2 A23 10 A28 23 M02 spa towel K09 In t...
Page 14: ... 25 A28 26 A28 38 A28 40 A28 54 A28 55 A28 42 A28 41 A28 51 A28 53 A13 13 M09 A23 21 M10 And make another one in that same way A23 19 A28 47 C08 A23 21 C10 C09 C11 C12 C13 A23 19 P01 P01 K11 K11 C14 A28 53 A28 51 A28 26 See page 6 for how to make the book A28 42 Paste each set of books together C15 C15 A B A B A B A B Crop as directed by the templates Bookcase ...
Page 15: ...3 M12 study potted plants N23 L09 K08 K13 L09 L09 L09 K08 Roll up M12 as shown A28 38 A28 54 A28 53 A28 40 A28 41 A28 51 A28 42 A28 26 A28 25 A28 55 Please cut out M12 according to the template before making Writing Desk 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 A28 24 A23 20 C18 C19 C16 Bookcase plan C17 C17 C16 C16 C20 C19 C19 C19 C19 C19 C16 C19 C19 C20 C19 C19 20 C16 front view C17 C17 Paste C17 in the...
Page 16: ...p M07 floor lamp shade M07 kitchen light M07 wall lamp L05 L05 L05 L05 L05 L05 L05 L05 L06 L06 L06 L06 L09 P01 P01 P02 P02 A28 58 A28 59 A28 60 A28 62 A29 09 15 K13 N22 A24 2 A28 79 D01 D01 A28 46 D02 D02 M07 wall lamp M07 hand lamp Glue all four sides together M07 kitchen light M07 wall lamp M07 wall lamp M07 floor lamp shade M07 kitchen light A24 5 D10 M07 wall lamp In the same way make 2pieces ...
Page 17: ...5 L05 A28 58 L06 D12 D12 L09 L09 A28 60 A28 62 Fold up along the dotted line A23 6 A23 7 A23 7 A23 6 A28 62 A28 60 A26 2 front view In the same way make 2pieces A28 34 Fold a trace along each dotted line Flip to the back and fold the creased middle red dotted line Refer to the previous step K12 P02 1 3CM 4pieces L09 L06 side view front view Roll A28 59 around the edge of A29 09 lantern lantern Umb...
Page 18: ...er to the gray line and cut the effect as shown A28 61 17 L02 8CM Make a small cut at the top about 1 cm P01 Thread P01 into L02 and fix it as shown A28 35 K12 J20 M12 hight potted plants M12 potted plant 2 M08 vase M08 vase J19 K17 K16 K16 J08 L01 L10 N10 N12 N18 N11 N03 N10 M12 hight potted plants K16 M12 potted plants 2 J08 N12 J19 N18 K17 A28 63 Fold in half along the dotted line and glue Cut ...
Page 19: ...6 before making A26 1 D17 D17 D17 D17 D18 D18 D18 D18 D18 D19 D19 D19 D19 A28 69 A29 07 A29 08 18 L10 L10 L10 L10 6CM L10 5CM L10 4CM K16 L01 A28 61 M08 M08 N03 N11 D13 A11 D14 A28 52 In the same way make 3pieces M07 first floor door D15 front view A11 A28 77 D16 1 7 8 D18 D17 D18 In the same way make 2pieces A29 07 A29 07 D19 D19 D17 Door and window Wooden shoe ...
Page 20: ...01 Paste stair to reference links E02 E03 E04 E03 A11 L19 L20 L20 Refer to the previous steps to make L20 and place it for later up In the same way make 3pieces A28 66 A15 E05 E05 L19 L19 L19 A11 wall panels have been made in the previous page 18 D10 D10 wall lamp has been made in the previous page 15 22 P01 P01 Fold A28 67 along the dotted line and bond with A07 A08 Fold A28 68 along the dotted l...
Page 21: ... groove according to the number sequence Note that A28 07 pupil is left to be pasted last 1 2 3 4 4 20 A03 A28 82 A28 80 A01 P01 A28 07 P01 P01 Bend P01 close to the back of A28 07 no need to stick A01 A28 07 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Stone Pillar Lamp A02 A30 Stone Pillar Lamp upgraded version accessories need to be purchased separately Q01 music movement 1piece Q03 movement handle 1piece ...
Page 22: ...0 11 15 12 A28 57 A04 A04 back view E05 E05 E05 E05 E05 E05 E05 A04 Lamp wire through hole position E06 E07 E07 E06 E06 E06 E06 E07 Q01 Q02 Q02 Q02 Q03 Pay attention to put the lamp wire on the ground through the A04 hole 1 2 First floor assembly ...
Page 23: ...d plant cabinet A29 11 sundry rack potted plants rack Tatami chair dining table Tatami chair raft 28 D14 D14 D14 already made on previous page 18 E14 E13 E09 E13 fits the wide side of E09 D14 K16 potted plants have been made in the previous page 17 K16 3 4 3 4 sundry cabinet ...
Page 24: ...Cut L08 to a length of 3 5cm 1CM 2 7CM J12 Bend according to the template as shown in the figures Fold up along the dotted line A12 A28 74 A28 73 A12 back view A29 05 J18 J11 J11 J11 Shower head washing product Washing products have been made on the previous page 12 E17 M07 bathroom door 2 Pay attention to the direction of pasting M07 bathroom door 1 M07 second floor door E16 E19 E15 A28 48 A28 49...
Page 25: ...erence links A05 front view A28 65 Stick A28 65 to A05 from left to right and hide the lamp wire in the groove for the convenience of operation the left side can be raised and the A05 can be balanced on a horizontal plane kitchen ligth According to the above data bend and stick the lamp wire as shown in the figure A05 back view Finally cover the kitchen light A29 03 E12 Pay attention to the light ...
Page 26: ...cket E17 E16 E18 Pay attention to the light line A29 06 bed F04 E15 F04 tea table cushion cushion N18 potted plant F06 japanese koto F07 F05 F08 Glue F08 with reference to the reference line on the ground A28 50 A28 50 Roll off part of A28 50 from the bottom as shown Fold up along the dotted line 32 ...
Page 27: ...A16 A27 roof of second floor 1 A20 A27 roof tile 4 A17 A16 A27 roof tile 2 A18 A19 A27 roof tile 1 A27 roof tile 5 A21 In that same way make the rest of the tile roof A27 roof tile 6 Gently cut a mark according to the dotted line on the stencil Gently cut a mark according to the dotted line on the template paper all tile tops will be used later A27 roof of first floor 2 F12 F12 F11 F13 F13 F09 F14...
Page 28: ... ends of M01 4 2CM 2 5CM 2CM 1CM 1 5CM A21 back view Glue the line in the yellow line area to A21 Third floor assembly 4 3CM 4CM 27 F10 back view P01 According to the above data bend the lamp line as shown in the figure F12 F13 F12 A21 A20 A28 27 A06 A06 back view P01 K05 G01 G02 A14 A28 76 Pay attention to the light line 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 7 7 5 6 back view A24 1 front view A24 1back view ...
Page 29: ...6 A18 roof tile A19 roof tile Pay attention to the position of the lamp wire of the pendant lamp through the hole as shown in the figure A27 roof tile 6 G05 G06 A27 roof of second floor 3 Thelargehempropeseatcushionhasbeenmadeonthepreviouspage19 7 5 Paste according to the guide line on the floor 6 Note that there is a hole here and wait for the next step to pass the lamp wire through A27 roof of s...
Page 30: ...t out on the previous page 26 Note the short side against the wall E10 E10 A27 roof of first floor 2 G07 N12 plant A16 A17 Place A16 and A17 at the same time so that they can be combined with the interface point E11 E11 G16 N16 N16 N01 N16 N16 N15 N15 N15 N15 N15 N15 N15 wooden shoe A28 59 lantern A28 59 lantern G17 G17 G17 L01 potted plant G15 G12 G12 G08 cut out the area below the red links cut ...
Page 31: ...t a mark according to the dotted line on the stencil K01 G09 J01 J01 wine bottle The wine bottle has been made on the previous page 9 The hemp rope small cushion has been made on the previous page 19 1 G13 G11 G12 G11 In the same way make 2pieces table G10 K06 P01 A23 8 Please cut out A23 8 in A23 before making A23 8 G15 G15 1CM Note that the light wire is glued tightly along G11 A27 pavilion 1 A2...
Page 32: ...20 N23 A28 75 Trim several bunches of N13 approx 11 cm high and tie together with L19 31 H07 Stick to H06 center H14 1 N08 N10 L07 L07 A28 30 A28 31 M18 PVC P01 back view Pay attention to the light line wreath K15 N08 A26 4 A28 32 A28 81 A28 29 A26 3 A28 75 N04 You can bend the wire into your favorite shapes N01 N13 L19 N20 In the same way make 2pieces cut off the area below the red links In the s...
Page 33: ...t H09 A22 A28 78 H11 H11 H11 Put the three pieces of H11 side by side L11 L18 Add appropriate amount of L18 to the concave part make the feeling of flowing like water mist L18 Tile L18 on top Pay attention to the wiring of the lamp line and finally go out through the backplane Spa bucket A28 39 Cut the white line ground lamp ground lamp N19 N19 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Spa 9 Garden accessories Garden assem...
Page 34: ...he template before making 33 10 11 12 13 14 15 20 24 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 26 25 M02 M02 P01 H13 L11 N01 rockery N06 N07 Add appropriate amount of N08 moss Adde proper amount of L18 cotton wat mist L18 N20 N13 flower Before making please cut out A27 courtyard tile roof according to the template A27 M06 M06 Fit the four sides of M06 against the stream Add a layer of glue to both sides of M06 and lay...
Page 35: ...1 N09 Add N09 on the riverside as shown in the figure N21 N21 N21 Put the stamens of N17 on the stream N05 N01 Floor lamp shade The floor lamp shade has been made on the previous page 15 H11 flowering cherry A22stone wall H10 N02 N10 N20 N01 Affix N01 all the way around Add N03 sand on the white floor ...
Page 36: ...can write your favorite door number 35 46 47 48 49 50 51 N01 H12 H12 N20 N20 N01 N01 A29 10 Hide the lamp wire in the groove Arrange the lamp wire and hide it in the groove A28 64 2 3 Howtoassemblethebatteryholder ...
Page 37: ...lectricity Rechargeable batteries can only be charged under adult supervision Rechargeablebatteriesshouldbe removedfromthetoybeforecharging Differenttypesofbatteriescannotmix Donotmixnewbatteriesinusewithsemi usedbatteries Runoutofbatteryshouldberemovedfromthetoy Thepowershallnotbeshortcircuit cut all the LED light wires to the same length peel off the film of the LED light wires and then wrap it ...
Page 38: ...Great Your large villa is finished 37 With dust cover at night ...
Page 39: ...ide of kraft paper not torn facing outward stick appropriate amount of glue to the interface of the two pieces of glass and scrape it slightly to make the glue penetrate into the junction of the two pieces of glass the red line is the plexiglass interface The junct ion of two pieces of plexiglass needs to be fixed with P04 to prevent the plexiglass falling off stick appropriate amount of glue to t...
Page 40: ...The instruction manual should be keep after assembled The instruction manual should be keep after assembled The instruction manual should be keep after assembled ...