Chapter 5 - Servicing
so that they can be properly reconnected to the workstation.
7. Unfasten the tie-down straps and remove air gasket.
8. Remove the workstation from the enclosure and set it on a secure surface.
Remove workstation from Classic console
To remove the workstation from Classic console
1. Remove the blank front panel from the console rails using two hex head screws and two washers.
2. Remove the 4U high air duct baffle installed against the console right mounting rail.
3. Loosen the hex threaded standoff to unlock the stop pegs.
4. Remove the stop pegs covered with Vinyl cap from the left side and the front bezel handle, located
on the right side.
5. Pull and remove the side spacers inserted between the side of the mounting brackets and the
workstation chassis.
6. Slide the workstation all the way out of the console.
7. Remove the workstation from the mounting tray and place it on a flat platform.
Remove workstation from LCN cabinet
To remove the workstation from Classic console
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