Model SK-FFT Manual — P/N 54711:B2 12/18/2020
Section 1: Overview
An SK-FFT Fire Fighter Telephone System provides supervision, annunciation, and control for local and remote telephone handsets. The
SK-FFT with keypad, provides indications of phone activation, and corresponding trouble conditions. Additionally, up to 48 telephone cir-
cuits can be annunciated at the SK-FFT by connecting the FFT-24 zone expander.
1.1 Features
One Form-C Trouble Relay
System Trouble Relay - TB6
SK-FFT Fire Fighter Telephone module for control and annunciation of up to 48 remote telephone jacks
A maximum of 10 Fire Fighter Remote Handsets (FFT-RHS) can be used at one time to communicate over the telephone circuit
connected to the SK-FFT
Fire Fighter Phone Jack (FFT-FPJ) provides a plug-in location for the FFT-RHS
Single Telephone Station (FFT-STS)
Fire Fighter Handset Cabinet (FFT-HSC) is used to store ten Fire Fighter Handsets (FFT-RHS)
System Status LEDs
Supports a single FFT-24 zone expander
1.2 Optional Accessories
This manual also contains information on how to install the following compatible accessories with the FFT series equipment:
1.3 Agency Requirements
The SK-FFT has the same requirements as the main control panel. These requirements are listed in the Honeywell Silent Knight Series
Addressable FACP Installation Manuals. The FACP Installation Manuals can be found on the web site at www.silentknight.com.
1.3.1 UL 864 9th and 10th Edition
Per the UL Continuing Certification Program, UL 864 9th edition fire alarm control equipment will retain certification
after the roll-out of UL 10th edition (12/2/2018).
Installations of UL 864 10th Edition certified equipment are permitted to use UL864 9th Edition certified equipment when
approved by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
1.4 About This Manual
This manual is intended to be a complete reference for all installation and operations tasks for the SK-FFT. Honeywell Farenhyt series Instal-
lation Manuals can be found on our web site at www.silentknight.com.
Please let us know if the manual does not meet your needs in any way. We value your feedback!
Model Number
24 Zone Expander
Remote Phone Jack
Fire Fighters Remote Hand Set
Fire Fighters Handset Cabinet
Single Telephone Station Recessed
Single Telephone Station Surface Mount
Break Glass Kit for FFT-STS
Addressable Mini-Monitor Module
SLC Line Isolation Module
Table 1.1 Optional Accessories