S3KMKIIMAN_MAN0878_Issue 6_01/2014
4. Put the magnet over the ‘
’ switch and remove to enter the Calibration menu.
5. The display will show the current gas reading, ‘ZEro’ and the ‘
’ icon flashes.
6. When the zero gas reading is stable use ‘
to confirm zero calibration.
7. If successful the display shows ‘ZEro PASS’ (if not successful, the display shows ‘ZEro FAIL’ and
returns to menu mode).
8. If using zero-air, turn it off. Zeroing is complete and saved.
9. The display shows ‘SPAn’ with ‘YES’ flashing.
10. If span calibration is required use ‘
’ proceed to the next step. If span calibration is not required,
use ‘▲▼’ to select ‘No’ and ‘
’ to return to menu mode.
11. The display shows the current calibration span gas concentration flashing. Use ‘▲▼’ to change the
calibration span gas concentration, and ‘
’ when required span calibration level is set.
12. Span calibration point is displayed with ‘YES’ flashing. Use ‘
’ to confirm or ‘▲▼’ to select ‘No’ and
return and enter a new span calibration point.
13. The display will show the current gas reading, ‘SPAN’ and the ‘
’ icon flashes.
14. Connect the regulator to the span gas cylinder.
15. Apply the span gas to the sensor using the calibration gas flow housing. The live gas reading is
displayed. When the reading is stable, use ‘
’ to confirm span calibration.
16. If the sensor cell has been replaced the following display may be shown.