The current terminal name settings are listed on the left side
of the screen with a scroll bar to move up and down this list.
The user chooses the terminal to rename by selecting it in this
list. When the terminal is selected, the current setting is
displayed on the top of the screen in the Description text box.
The user presses the Description text box to change the
current setting. A keyboard window with the current setting
displays (Fig. 133), allowing the user to edit the name. After
editing the name, the user selects the OK button to accept it.
Fig. 133. Expanded Annunciator Setup.
Fig. 134. Expanded Annunciator Setup—Enter Name.
Selecting the “OK” or “Cancel” button returns the control back
to the previous page (Fig. 134).
The new name appears in the Description Text box, but it
does not get saved into the terminal list until the “Change
Description” button is selected. After the “Change Description”
button is selected, the new name is placed in the terminal list
and the change is denoted by an asterisk character displayed
in front of the terminal name.
If any terminal names are renamed with the “Change
Description” button, the “Save Changes” button is enabled.
This button allows the user to save the current settings
permanently to nonvolatile flash in the S7999B. Otherwise,
the current settings are persistent only during the power-up
time of the S7999B.
Before saving the terminal name settings, a pop-up dialog box
asks the user to confirm the save (Fig. 135).
Fig. 135. Expanded Annunciator Setup—Save Terminal
No Burner Control, Expanded Annunciator,
R7999, UDC Controller Buttons
• Check wiring between S7999B and S7810M. Make
sure that A terminal in S7810M is connected to
COM2 (a) pin in S7999B, B terminal in S7810M is
connected to COM2 (b) pin in S7999B, and C
terminal in S7810M is connected to (c) pin in
S7999B. Check that RS-485 shield is grounded to
Earth ground.
• Insert 120
, 1/4 watt resistor between terminals A
and B on farthest S7810M or UDC controller.
• Check for duplicate Modbus™ addresses in S7810M
and UDC controller devices.
• Verify that Modbus™ baud rate is set to 19200 bps in
all S7810M and UDC controller devices.
Local S7999Bs Don’t Display On System
S7999B Home Page
• Check wiring between System S7999B and all Local
S7999Bs. Make sure that COM1 port is used in all
S7999Bs and Modbus™ pins match each other, i.e.,
COM1 (a) to COM1 (a), etc.
• Check for duplicate Modbus™ addresses in Local