The Save button saves UDC assignments to permanent
storage (flash) for Switchable S7999B mode. The More button
allows the user to setup additional UDC controller options, as
shown in Fig. 112.
Fig. 112. Burner Controllers Key Variables.
This page allows static assignment of critical UDC controller
data (key variables) to display on the Home page. UDC key
variable values are displayed below the UDC buttons on the
Home page. Each UDC controller can be assigned its own key
variable. These static assignments can be saved to
permanent storage (flash) and are the default assignments
when the S7999B is powered up. Static key variable
selections can be temporarily overridden on the UDC status
page (see Fig. 88) by pressing the yellow keys, but their
assignment returns to these settings when the S7999B is re-
The available key variables depend on the type of UDC
controller. The drop-down menu only displays the variables
permissible for the UDC controller selected in the “Controller
Address” box.
Current key variable assignments are displayed in the
Assigned Variables list. The user can change or delete a key
variable by selecting it in the list and pressing the Change or
Delete buttons. Pressing the Add button allows the user to
add new key variable assignments to the list. Pressing the
Save Variables button saves the current assignments to
permanent storage.
In System S7999B mode, the “KEY VARIABLES” button
displays the following figure.
Fig. 113. System S7999 Key Variables.
This setup page allows key variables to be assigned for each
burner/boiler system displayed on the Home page. The
system address button is selected to enter the Modbus™
address of the burner/boiler system.
Selecting the “ADVANCED SETUP” button on the Setup page
displays more options that can be set by the user (Fig. 114).
Fig. 114. Advanced Setup.