Rev. 1.0
8.9.1 Alarm Monitors
The alarm monitor(s) are monitors within the system which will automatically display
cameras that have been associated with external alarms that have been wired into the
system. When there are no alarms present these monitors may be used as call up
monitors in the same way that the other monitors are used. If multiple alarms occur, the
monitors cycle through all of the current alarms until they are cleared. By default there is
one alarm monitor defined. The monitor number is 8.
If you do not have a monitor 8, but you do have alarms, you will need to define which
monitor you want to use for the alarm monitor. You may change that number by going
into the sequence tables. These tables are used by the system to determine various
parameters that you would like to use for your specific location.
As you will soon see, the sequence tables allow you to easily tailor the powerful features
of the miniMAX for many applications. Looking at the sequence tables on line 20, you
will see that the description text is Alarm Monitors. Under column 1 you will see the
number 8. Line 20 will list all of the alarm monitors you wish to use. Column 1 indicates
that the monitor number underneath it is the first alarm monitor. Likewise column 2
would have the second, column 3 the third, etc. You may have multiple alarm monitors,
one alarm monitor, or no alarm monitors. It is important to remember that you do not
skip columns when redefining these monitors.
Let’s say that we would rather use monitor 3 for the alarm monitor instead of monitor 8.
We would simply go to line 20 (Alarm Monitors) under column 1 (the first alarm monitor)
and change the 8 to a 3.
Now we decide that we want 2 monitors to display alarms, monitor 3 and monitor 5.
Once again we would go into the sequence table to line 20 (Alarm Monitors) and under
column 1 (the first alarm monitor) we would put the number 3 for monitor 3 and under
column 2 (the second alarm monitor) we would put 5 for monitor 5.
8.9.2 Alarm
Alarm cameras are cameras that are switched to the alarm monitors when alarms are
triggered. The alarms, defined in the alarm input table, are numbered. Once again
looking in the sequence tables on line 21 you will see the description as Alarm Cameras.
The default programming switches the same camera number to the alarm monitors as
the alarm number. For example alarm number 1 pulls up camera 1, alarm 2 camera 2,
etc. To modify the camera being switched, you simply go under the column number
which is the same as the alarm number, and put the camera number you want to be
displayed when that alarm is activated.
For instance, we want to change the camera number for alarm number 7 from camera 7
to camera 42. We would go to line 21 (Alarm Cameras) and then scroll over to column 7
(the alarm number) and put the number 42 (the camera we want to call up) in that