HH1800 User Guide
line feed
The whole command line would look like this:
The data is output as:
[ CR][ LF]
Enter Output Sequence
If you are using barcodes to create your output sequence, scan
Enter Output Sequence
begin scanning your string.
Enter Output Sequence
Partial Sequence
If an output sequence operation is terminated before all your output sequence criteria are
met, the barcode data acquired to tha
t point is a “partial sequence.” You can define ho
partial sequences are output using the same types of command strings you used to create
output sequences.
Partial Sequence Example - Three Symbologies with <> Separators, but with a
Damaged Code
In this example, you are scanning PDF417, Code 128, and Code 39 barcodes, and you want the
scanner to output Code 39 first, Code 128 second, and PDF417 third, in brackets, as shown
below, but the Code 39 barcode has been damaged and cannot be output.
You would use the same command line as shown in
Output Sequence Example 2 - Three
Symbologies with <> Separators
sequence editor start command