H U M I D I S T A T ( M O I S T U R E C O N T R O L K N O B )
The Moisture Control Knob allows you to adjust and select the humidity level to your
personal preference. Your humidifier will turn on and off throughout the day and
night to maintain the desired humidity level you have selected.
S E T T I N G T H E M O I S T U R E C O N T R O L K N O B / H U M I D I S T A T
First run the humidifier per the operation instruction with the Moisture Control knob
set at HIGH (Fig. 4).
• Let the humidifier run on high for at least one hour or until your room has reached
a comfortable humidity level.
• At this point, slowly turn your Moisture Control knob counter-clockwise until
the humidifier shuts off and the Desired Humidity light comes on (Fig. 5).
• Now that your Humidistat is set, the humidifier will
turn back on
when your room drops below your comfort setting and will
turn off again when the setting is reached.
Turn the humidifier OFF if the humidity level feels too moist or you notice condensa-
tion forming on the walls and/or windows.
If the humidifier fan will not start or restart when you select a fan speed, the
Moisture Control may be set too low. Turn the dial clockwise to the largest
raindrop ( ) before High. The Desired Humidity Light will be Off when the unit is
producing moisture (Fig. 4).
Moisture Control