S4-34760_Venturi-Air Duct Kit
4188-971_issue 1_07/09_duct sensor kit
5 Maintenance
If the air duct kit or the Vigilon panel is undergoing service and maintenance work observe ensure appropriate
action is taken to prevent unwanted alarms.
To test the air duct detector enabled the test operation mode for this detector zone at the panel.
1. Pull the seal of the service opening carefully outwards
and turn it aside.
2. Remove spraying nozzle from test gas can.
3. Press the valve of the test gas can towards the
inspection hole.
4. Apply test gas in the inside of the chamber by briefly
pressing the test gas can
5. Wait for alarm activation of the detector (red LED flashes,
as the case indication at the panel).
6. If the detector is not activated apply again some test gas
in frequent intervals.
7. Close opening with the seal after testing.
Fig. 24: Test alarm activation of the detector
Detector zones which are in test mode will not cause a test fire condition!