F300 Electronic Air Cleaner
The F300 Electronic Air Cleaner is mounted in the return air
duct of a forced air heating, cooling, or ventilating system. It
captures a significant amount of the airborne particles 0.3
micron and larger from air circulated through it.
• Media postfilters (optional) provide enhanced filtration.
• Available in five sizes to fit most ducts; adapts to
airflow from either side.
• Capacity varies from 1000 cfm (2040 m
/hr) to 2000 cfm
(3400 m
/hr), depending on size.
• Solid state power supply is self-regulating and
maintains peak efficiency during a wide range of cell
dirt loading conditions.
• Low pressure drop.
• Optional W8600F Air Cleaner Monitor indicates air
cleaner performance, reminds homeowner when filter
and cell maintenance are due and when to check the
• Optional wireless W8600A AIRWATCH™ LCD indicator
provides reminder when air cleaner electronic cells
need washing, when media postfilters need replacing,
when UV lamps need replacing and when humidifier
pad needs replacing.
• Galvanized cabinet protects against rust.
• Neon light next to on-off switch tells if air cleaner is
powered and if high voltage is present.
• Prefilter screens protect cells from large dirt particles.
• Test button checks system operation.
Specifications/Ordering Information ..................................
Installation ........................................................................
Operation .......................................................................... 11
Checkout .......................................................................... 11
Service ............................................................................. 12
Replacement Parts/Exploded View ................................... 17