The proper current sensor wiring to each meter is described in each individual
Meter Installation Manual.The MMU style meters are wired the same way, but it is
important that proper routing procedures are followed when the current sensor
conductors are installed.
a. The sensor leads cannot be installed randomly and should be bundled
together when they are routed to the meters which are mounted on the
door of the MMU. They shall be secured and routed away from the power
wiring and the communication cabling. They shall be bundled with
appropriate means such as clamps, wire ties, spiral wrap, etc.
b. To avoid damage to the bundled conductors when the door is opened
and closed, tubing, guides, spiral wrap, clamps, or other approved
means shall be used. This is required to provide proper protection and
stress relief for the conductors.
c. All wiring is to be routed away from any points that may possibly dam-
age or abrade the insulation - such as sharp edges, screw threads,
burrs, or any other item that may have been installed in the MMU enclo-
sure. The final wiring must allow the door to freely open and close with-
out coming in contact with anything that could damage it.
Following the proper wiring procedures will help to assure a satisfactory
Units housed in UL type 1 enclosures must only be installed in indoor
locations, where they will not be affected by the elements
6.2 Grounding
The meters and enclosure must be
properly grounded for safety. A protec-
tive earth ground lug is provided for
this purpose.
Failure to ground the enclosure creates
a possible shock hazard. There are two
terminals that attach to the base
ground stud.
Do not operate without protective
earth wire attached securely to the PE
terminal screw. After installing the
protective earth wiring, secure the
screw tightly (7 N-m torque).
Fig. 5. Base Ground Stud.
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