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Summary of Contents for CTSOA

Page 1: ...pyou Makea note here of the antidpator setting be set to exactly the same setting The heatantidpator a toneof a seriesof numbersrepresentingthe arrrent indicationis showing do not beconcerned moveon to the nextstep 0Loosen screws holdingthermostat to the wall and lift away Retain the old thermostat for reference purposes until your newthermostat isfunotioningsmoothly service for aperiodof one 1 ye...

Page 2: ...ermostatcoveruntilitsnapsfreeofthe thermostat Carefully removeanddiscardtheredplasticpinlocatedabovethemercuryswitch This pinprotects this switch duringshipment Fasten thermostat to the wall with one of the screws supplied using the top Place your level across the top of the level it Start the second screw supplied inthe center of the bo Ole Recheckfor level positioningthen firm1 ounting screws 0m...

Page 3: ...o furnace OFF Then removethe thermostat from thewall Disconnectonewire fromthe backof the thermostat Turn powerto We furnace ON Touch loosewire t owire still connected The thermostat is defectiveif the burnercomes on SYMPTOM Furnace turnsanand off Burneronperiodistw short Exchangethe thermostat Seewarranty m Adjust the heatanticipatorlever CLOCKWISE n o n e scalemark Wait at leastseveral hours to ...

Page 4: ...eauprincipal La plupartdes systemesdsidentiels ont undisjoncteur distinct pour couper Enlevezlecouverclede I ancien thermostat Silecouverclenes enlbve pas lonqueMUS letirez fermement par lebas it y a probablementunevisqui retientlecouvercle en place InstallationduCTNA CT51A Avant d enlever I anden thermostatdu mur examinezattentivementle 0mbmnismede kglagede laresistance antidpatricede chaleur L i...

Page 5: ... est pas install I appareil de chauffagepourraitsurchaufferet causer un incendie Modble CT53A un fil B la bome R et un fil B laborneW Pour les autres systbmes 250 ou 500 mV raccordez un fil I la borne R et I autre I la borneY Serrez les vis fermementle thermostat par I arribre tirez sur le couvercle Wballez avec soinvotre nouveauthermostat et jetez la goupilleen p rouge plade au dessusde I interru...

Page 6: ...u mur DBbrancher unfll I anibreduthermostat Mettrele thermostat ON PlacerlefildBbranch6 avec le1 1 1raccord6 Lethermostatest d6fectueux si iebaleurs allume Remplacer lefusibleou rbnclencher ledisjoncteur Menre lesystbmedechauffagem u 8tensbn Allumer arnuveaulawllleuseselonles Instructions du fabricant MettreleconnnutateuraOFFetv9rifler I svls de fbtatbn et les vis des bornes Reparerlesfils h i s k...
