CM4 Four-Point Continuous Monitor
CM4 Technical Manual
Save Current Configuration - 0x62
This command saves a backup copy of the current configuration to
nonvolatile memory in the CM4 monitor. This configuration can be
restored using the Restore Configuration command.
Command packet to instrument:
Command Code (0x62) - 1 byte
Response packet from instrument:
Command Code (0x62) - 1 byte
CM4 Date - 2 bytes
CM4 Time - 2 bytes
Status - 1 byte
0x00 = Configuration saved
0xff = Error
Restore Configuration - 0x63
This command restores a configuration that was previously saved to
nonvolatile memory in the CM4 monitor.
Command packet to instrument:
Command Code (0x63) - 1 byte
Response packet from instrument:
Command Code (0x63) - 1 byte
CM4 Date - 2 bytes
CM4 Time - 2 bytes
Status - 1 byte
0x00 = Configuration restored
0xff = Error, configuration unchanged
Set Duty Cycle - 0x65
This command allows a master to set the minimum window time and
the monitor relay response bits on a slave. Please see packet 0x69,
GetDutyCycle for a discussion of these parameters.
Command packet to slave:
Command code (0x65) - 1 byte
Bits permitting monitor relay action during duty cycle - 1 byte
bit 0 point1
bit 1 point2
bit 2 point3
bit 3 point4
bits 4-7 unused (ignored by slave)
Minimum window time (seconds) - 2 bytes
Response from slave:
Command code (0x65) - byte
CM4 date 2 bytes
CM4 time 2 bytes
Status - 1 byte
0x00 packet accepted
0x01 time >900 seconds, unacceptable
0x02 time < 0 seconds, unacceptable
0xFF slave in monitor, unable to accept changes