CM4 Four-Point Continuous Monitor
CM4 Technical Manual
Get Unit Status - 0x31
This command requests the current condition or status of the slave.
This command allows the master to inquire about the general operating
condition of the system.
Command packet to instrument:
Command Code (0x31) - 1 byte
Response packet from instrument:
Command Code (0x31) - 1 byte
CM4 Date - 2 bytes
CM4 Time - 2 bytes
General Status - 2 bytes
bit 0: Current Operating mode
0 = Not monitoring
1 = Monitoring
bit 1: Keyboard Lockout state
0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled
bit 2: Key pad status
0 = unlock
1 = locked
bit 3: Chemcassette counter status
0 = Counter disabled
1 = Counter enabled
bit 4: 2mA Fault operation
0 = Feature disabled
1 = Feature enabled
bit 5: Point Lock-ON
0 = No Lock-ON
1 = Lock-ON
bits 6-7: Point Locked (Ignore if bit 5 is 0.)
00 = Point 1
01 = Point 2
10 = Point 3
11 = Point 4
bit 8: Date Format
0 = MM/DD/YY
1 = DD/MM/YY
bits 9-12: Points enable when No Lock on
0x01 = Point 1 enabled
0x02 = Point 2 enabled
0x04 = Point 3 enabled
0x08 = Point 4 enabled
bit 13: Relay state
0 = De-energized
1 = Energized
bit 14: Relay Latching state
0 = Non-latching
1 = Latching
bit 15: Alarm Simulation state
0 = Unit not in alarm simulation mode
1 = Unit in alarm simulation mode
New Events - 1 byte
bit 0: The alarm history contains an entry which has not
been read via packet 0x36 or 0x47.
1 = a new entry exists
0 = no new entries
bit 1: The fault history contains an entry which has not been
read via packet 0x3D
1 = a new entry exists
0 = no new entries
bits 2-7: undefined
Concentration Summary - 1 byte
bits 0-1: concentration summary integer (CSI) for point 1