C7355A Room IAQ Monitor
About This Monitor
This air quality monitor is an advanced, configurable,
connected device for commercial buildings' air quality
monitoring. It monitors multiple air quality parameters
including PM2.5, PM10, CO
, TVOC, temperature and
humidity. This device communicates over RS-485, easily
integrating with the intelligent building, air quality data
collection system, green building evaluation system and
ventilation system, etc.
The intelligent control algorithms built into the device
helps to minimize the influence of ambient temperature
and humidity on the measured values. The device is
packaged with numerous presets suitable for most
commercial building requirements that enable quick and
easy initial setup.
The sensor module in the monitor is specifically designed
for detection stability to ensure reliability. The monitor has
a three-color light ring to indicate different levels of indoor
air quality. The simple structure and installation makes
wall-mounting and ceiling mounting both easy and
Intended audience and assumed
This document provides information about installing and
commissioning the IAQ monitor.
It is assumed that the user is trained and familiar with
HVAC concepts.
IMPORTANT: Always install equipment in accordance with
the National Electric Code and in a manner acceptable to
the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). No
guidelines, instructions, installation practices, or other
information presented in this guide may be interpreted to
supersede or modify the local codes and practices of the
Reference documents
• IAQ Monitor Specification Data 31-00435: Describes
IAQ monitor and its features.
• IAQ Monitor Mounting Instructions 31-00436:
Describes how to mount the IAQ monitor.
• IAQ Monitor Quick Start Guide 31-00437: Contains
only necessary procedures to enable the users to
quickly use the device.