35. Audio Recorder 2.0 Deluxe
: Available disc space status
Displays the amount of available free space remaining on the CD.
A red mark will indicate that the required space exceeds the space available on the CD.
If you see the red mark, you will need to remove one or more audio tracks from the list.
: Burning status
Displays the burning progress.
: Select burning device
Select a CD/DVD writer.
: Output folder setting
Select a folder where the converted tracks will be saved.
: Set Album Name
Enter an album name*. If the MP3 file already has an album name in its ID3 Tag, the
album name will be entered automatically.
* Use 30 characters or less (this will be used as CD label also).
• Help : View Help files.
• Minimize : Minimize the screen.
• Exit : Exit the program.