Honda Connex SCD20
Web application
Instructions for using the web application can be found in the web application on-line help. The online help provides full details of the features including
detailed description of each window and how to navigate through the application.
If you have forgotten your Client ID and password, call Connex Customer Service.
SMS tariff
Included with the Honda Connex annual service, is 200 SMS credits for your use of the web application. For more information on the SMS tariff,
log on to www.cobra.com.my/hondaconnex.
Honda Connex web application allows you to stay connected with your car at all times:
• Real time location of your car and its status
• Set Speed limit alert
• Set Geo-fencing zone in/out alert
• Set Transport and Garage mode
• Configure the way you receive alerts by SMS or email
• Change your web access system generated password
To access the web application, log on to www.cobra.com.my/hondaconnex, click the Login tab and enter your Client ID and Password.
Your client ID is provided in your Honda Connex welcome letter and your Password is sent to your mobile phone in the welcome SMS message.