Connect the open ends of the hydraulic hoses to their
corresponding fittings. There are three hydraulic hoses listed below, each
of them has one end fixed on the link part assembly at the manufacturer’s
field, the other open end needs you to attach. For clear view of the
hydraulic hoses, the hose protective springs are not shown in the
illustration below.
1. Oil suction hose / Ø25 x 310 mm, labeled as 1, comes from the
tank. Loosen the hose clamp / Ø30 on the open end of this hose,
then connect the hose to the fitting on the bottom of the pump,
which is labeled of a same 1. Tighten the hose clamp.
2. Pump / Valve connecting hose / Ø19 x 900mm, labeled as 2, comes
from the bottom of the valve. Screw the open end of this hose onto
the fitting on top of the pump, which is labeled of a same 2.
3. Oil return hose / Ø19 x 1500mm, labeled as 3, comes from the
top of the valve. Loosen the hose clamp / Ø25 on the open end of
this hose, then connect the hose to the fitting on the filter, which is
labeled of a same 3.Tighten the hose clamp.