To drive a car safely, keep the tires i n good condi ti on
Must be one.
Please always keep the proper air pressure.
Tires worn beyond the specified number,
Please do not exchange for.
To see the state of the ti re defl ecti on, the ai r pressure i s appl i ed
Check whether the art.
If the abnormal condi ti on of the ground ti re defl ecti on,
Wi th the use ti re gauge to cool the Ya, appropri ate
Please adjust the positive air pressure.
Excessi ve use or w orn ti res, i mproper
Dri vi ng i n the ai r , causi ng the ori gi nal acci dent fal l
Factors and can l ead to seri ous i nj ury or death.
Observe the tire pressure listed in the manual
Ri , the ti re i s w orn beyond the speci fi ed number
Please replace.
"Check the air pressure"
0 5 / 0 3 / 0 9 1 4 : 5 1 : 4 1 3 0 K E A 6 5 0 _ 0 6 4
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