7 Operation
Direct operation of the device is not possible and can only be car-
ried out via taught-in devices or the HomeMatic CCU.
If rain is detected it will be indicated by the green device LED for
rain status display. The LED will light up for as long as rain will be
If the device is directly taught-in to an actuator the device LED will
flash green if a switching command is triggered.
In case of programming of actuators please note that the rain sen-
sor only triggers switch-on commands. If the rain stops no switch-off
command will be send.
If the device is operated in connection with the HomeMatic CCU
or the configuration adapter, connections with other devices and
programs can be set up.
For the rain detection, an additional filter time for the detection can
be set up.
The heating of the rain sensor can be controlled in programs via
CCU commands. However, for operational safety reasons the
heating will always be switched on when power is recovered after
power failure.
In case of a direct actuator connection the sensor heating will be
switched on permanently.
Resetting to the as-delivered condition
The factory settings of the rain sensor can be restored manually.
Restoring the initial state deletes all settings and information about
taught-in devices.
• To restore the factory settings of the rain sensor, press and hold
down the configuration button for at least 4s. The device LED
starts to slowly flash red.
• If required, you can stop the process by briefly pressing the
configuration button again or by waiting 20s without operating the
device. In both cases, the flashing of the device LED will stop.
• To restore the factory settings of the device, now press and hold
down the configuration button for a least 4s again. Rapid flashing
of the device LED indicates that the factory settings are being
• When the configuration button is released restoring will be indica-
ted by the device LED flashing red for 3s.
Device LED feedback
Various error states of the device are indicated by the device LED
Flashing sequence
1 x long, 1 x short red
Transmit limit (duty cycle*) reached
1 x long, 2 x short red
Device defect, please contact service
* Duty Cycle
The duty cycle is a legally regulated limit of the transmission time of
devices in the 868 MHz range. The aim of this regulation is to safe-
guard the operation of all devices working in the 868 MHz range.