6.3 Teaching-in
Please read this entire section before starting to carry out the
teach-in procedure.
The wireless motion detector can be used to control HomeMatic
actuators, such as wireless switches. To execute the teach-in
procedure, the devices to be connected must be in teach-in mode.
6.3.1 Teaching-in without a brightness threshold
1. Briefly press the teach-in button on the wireless motion detector.
The device LED flashes orange. The teach-in procedure can now
be cancelled by pressing the teach-in button briefly; this will
cause the device LED to light up red.
2. If no teach-in is carried out, teach-in mode will be exited
automatically after 20 seconds. If other devices are also in teach-
in mode, they will be taught-in.
The device LED flashes green to indicate that teaching-in has
been successful (how long it will flash for depends on how much
configuration work has been competed).
Note: If the wireless motion detector has already been taught-in
to a central control unit and is thus blocked for direct teach-in, it
can still be put into teach-in mode as described above, but the
device LED will light up red for two seconds when a button is
pressed. Direct teach-in is not possible.
6.3.2 Teaching-in taking a brightness threshold into account
If a particular brightness threshold is to be used as the criterion for
performing a switching command, the wireless motion detector must
be positioned at its intended operating location for at least 48 minutes
prior to teaching-in. During this period the last 8 brightness values
(measurements taken every 6 minutes) are saved to an internal memory
continuously and the lowest brightness value is implemented as the
switching criterion.
This enables you to adapt the switching command at the actuator to
every brightness level, without needing to involve the central control unit.