Vanity Drawer Removal
Open the preassembled drawer as far as possible.
□ Simultaneously press the plastic cards on the bottom
of drawer left side and right side inward.
□ Once both plastic cards are held in the
indicated position, pull the drawer straight out.
Please contact 1-800-998-7021 for further assistance.
Backsplash Installation
To mount the backsplash (C) to the wall, apply a thin
bead of silicone compound (not included) to the
unpolished back side and bottom of the backsplash (C).
Position backsplash (C) as shown onto vanity top (A)
and against the wall. Clean any excess silicone
compound before allowing to dry.
Adjustable Level
In case of uneven floors, floor levelers are
provided at the bottom of the vanity. If necessary,
adjust floor levelers by hand to correct tilting and/
or level doors.