HOLZMANN Maschinen Austria
Strana 31
Univerzální nástrojová bruska / universal tool grinding machine
UWS 320
Cylindrical Mill Grinding (back angle)
The double stem apexes jig
will be fixed on the machine.
The cutter holder is located
on the stop dog rest. The
stop dog is fixed on the
slide. The end of the stop
dog rest will be 3-5mm low-
er than the stem central
line. The right band turns
the stem tooth by tooth,
and the left band moves the
working table longitudinal
and grinds cutter.
Pay attention that the cutter
will not be getting out of the
rest when the working table
moves to the two sides.
Single-angular Mill Grinding
The step stem jig will be fixed on the machine. The sand
wheel is tilted down 3º--5º. The headstock moves 90º--
92ºto the left and be fastened, The stop dog rest stands
up to the front cutter. The right hand indexes the cutter,
the left hand moves the working table longitudinally and
grinds cutter.
T- type Grooved Mill Grinding
The clamping accessory can be chosen for straight shank cutter. The drill sleeve can be chosen
for taper shank cutter. The drill sleeve can be put directly into the spindle hole of the headstock.
The sand wheel is tilted down 3º--10º and fastened by the back angle. The stop dog stands up to
the front cutter side. The right hand indexes the cutter, the left hand moves the working table
longitudinally and grinds cutter.