Trident HD Specimen Radiography System User Guide
Chapter 8: Maintenance, Cleaning, and Disinfecting
Page 64
MAN-05478-002 Revision 003
Table 7:
Service Preventive Maintenance
Perform Check Sensor Status
Condition the X-Ray Source
Perform kV Verification
Perform mAs Verification
Perform Flat Field Artifact Evaluation
Perform X-Ray Tub Alignment Evaluation
Perform System Resolution Test
Perform AEC Function Test
Perform ACR Phantom Test
Perform X-Ray Leakage Test
Change detector filter
Check for mechanical integrity and missing hardware
Inspect wiring for power and ground integrity
8.3.2 About Reclamation
Reclamation is an automatic function that makes disk space available for storing newly
acquired images. Configurable parameters let a given number of images collect before
reclamation starts and older images are removed from the system.