Mounting Swivel Cam Cleat and Mount
Hold mount where you
would like it on the rear
Aka bar making sure the
top of the mount is com-
pletely level. We recom-
mend that the Swivel Cam
Cleat is mounted 4 inches
from inside end of the Aka
bar. (FIG 10)
Secure the Swivel Cam
Cleat Mount using the
provided 1.5’’ self-drilling
screw through the center
hole of the side with three
holes. Do not screw in any
other screws. (FIG 10)
Place the Swivel Cam Cleat
on top of the Mount with the
three holes lining up with
the three unused holes on
the mount. Screw in a 1.5’’
self-drilling screw through
the opposite center hole
on the top of the Swivel
Cam Cleat. This screw will
penetrate the Swivel Cam
Cleat, the mount, and go
into the Aka bar.
Screw in the other provided
5/8’’ screws into the two
remaining holes. (FIG 11)
FIG 10
FIG 11