Sport Cub S 2
Included in the Box
Flying Tips
Preflight Checklist
• Consult local laws and ordinances before
choosing a location to fly your aircraft.
• Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope (SAFE
technology is designed as flight assistance,
not an autopilot. The pilot is always in control
and required to fly the aircraft at all times.
• Start in Beginner mode (SAFE switch position
0). As you learn and become more confident,
change modes to advance your flying skills.
• Always make deliberate and steady control
stick movements for smooth control of your
• Fly your aircraft outside in no greater than
light winds.
• For indoor flight, fly the aircraft inside in a
large gymnasium.
• Keep your aircraft in plain sight and up wind.
• Always avoid flying near houses, trees, wires
and buildings.
• Always avoid flying in areas where there
are many people, such as busy parks,
schoolyards or soccer fields.
6. Perform SAFE Control Direction Test.
7. Plan flight for flying field conditions.
8. Set a flight timer for 5 minutes.
9. Have fun!
1. Find a safe and open area.
2. Set up your transmitter to support SAFE
technology (BNF only).
3. Charge flight battery.
4. Install flight battery in aircraft.
5. Perform Control Direction Test.
300 feet
(91 m)
Fly in this area
(upwind of pilot)
USB Charger
Ultra Micro Sport Cub S 2
150 mAh 3.7V
(RTF Only)
(RTF Only)
Li-Po Battery
AA Alkaline Batteries
(4) (RTF Only)