Congratulations for purchasing the Flitework Extra 300LP. We say thanks for your trust and we wish you a lot of happy
flights with your new Extra 300 LP.
The Extra 300LP is one of the best aerobatic planes in the world. The competition pilots of the Flying Bulls commit this
versions very successful in different contests.
Also the Flitework Extra 300 is one of the best aerobatic and 3D models in this class. And we wish you a lot of pleasure
with this model.
Attention please!
Remote controlled model planes are not a toy! For assembling, flying and servicing such models, you need a high
grade of technical comprehension and liability.
Careless assembling and operation may cause personal and material damage.
Because the Flitework GmbH has no influence on assembly, RC installation, operation and servicing of the flight
device, any liability is rejected under explicit advice to these dangers.
1. Your Extra 300 LP should not be considered a toy, but rather
a sophisticated, working model that functions very much like
a full-size airplane. Because of its performance capabilities, the
Extra 300 LP, if not assembled and operated correctly, could
possibly cause injury to yourself or spectators and damage to
2.You must assemble the model according to the instructions.
Do not alter or modify the model, as doing so may result in a
unsafe or unflyable model. In a few cases the instructions may
differ slightly from the photos. In those instances the written
instructions should be considered as correct.
3. You must take time to build straight, true and strong.
4. You must use an R/C radio system that is in first-class
condition and a correctly sized engine and components (fuel
tank, wheels, etc.) throughout the building process.
5. You must correctly install all R/C and other components so
that the model operates correctly on the ground and in the air.
6. You must check the operation of the model before every
flight to insure that all equipment is operating and that the
model has remained structurally sound. Be sure to check
clevises or other connectors often and replace them if they
show any signs of wear or fatigue.
7. If you are not already an experienced R/C pilot, you should
fly the model only with the help of a competent, experienced
R/C pilot.
8. While this kit has been flight tested to exceed normal use,
if the plane will be used for extremly hight stress flying, such
as racing, or if an engine larger than one in the recommended
range is used, the modeler is responsible for taking steps to
reinforce the hight stress points and/or substituting hardware
more suitable for the increased stress.
The cowl and wheel pants included in this kit
are made of fiberglass, the fibers of which may cause eye,
skin and respiratory tract irritation. Never blow into a part to
remove fiberglass dust, as the dust will blow back into your
eyes. Always wear safety goggles, a particle mask and rubber
gloves when grinding, drilling and sanding fiberglas parts.
Vacuum the parts and work area thoroughly after working
with fiberglass parts.
We, as the kit manufacturer, provide you with a top quality kit and instructions, but ultimately the quality and flyability of your
finished model depends on how you build it; therefore, we cannot in any way guarantee the performance of your completed
model and no representations are expressed or implied as to the performance or safety of your completed model.