Important User Information
Every care has been taken in the preparation of this document. Please inform HMS Industrial Net-
works of any inaccuracies or omissions. The data and illustrations found in this document are not
binding. We, HMS Industrial Networks, reserve the right to modify our products in line with our poli-
cy of continuous product development. The information in this document is subject to change with-
out notice and therefore should not be considered as a binding description of the range of
functions (neither for future product versions). HMS Industrial Networks assumes no responsibility
for any errors that may appear in this document.
There are many applications of the described product. Those responsible for the use of this device
must ensure that all the necessary steps have been taken to verify that the applications meet all
performance and safety requirements including any applicable laws, regulations, codes, and
HMS Industrial Networks will under no circumstances assume liability or responsibility for any
problems that may arise as a result from improper use or use that is not in accordance with the
documented features of this product.
The examples and illustrations in this document are included solely for illustrative purposes.
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HMS Industrial Networks has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the
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Trademark Acknowledgements
is a registered trademark of HMS Industrial Networks. All other trademarks are the prop-
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Copyright © 2016 HMS Technology Center Ravensburg GmbH. All rights reserved.
FR-IB100/PCIe FlexRay PCI Express Interface Card User Manual
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