Home Automation (WMP)
– Hitachi VRF
User Manual r1.0 EN
© HMS Industrial Networks S.L.U. - All rights reserved
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4.2.2. Configuration tab
Select the
tab to configure the connection parameters. Three subsets of information are shown in
this window: General (Gateway general parameters), WMP (Home Automation system) and Hitachi (Hitachi VRF
interface parameters).
Figure 4.2
Intesis MAPS configuration tab
4.2.3. General configuration
These are the general settings of the gateway. Here you can find:
General configuration
In this section you can include a name and description to identify the gateway.
Here are the settings related to the IP address (via DHCP/specific IP address) and the password set for the IP
configuration of the gateway in MAPS.
USB Host
In this section it is possible to configure the different settings for the USB host port.
4.2.4. Home Automation (WMP) system configuration
These are the settings available for the Home Automation system (WMP communication):