Appendix B: Specification of the External Power Supply
20 (24)
Specification of the External Power Supply
The Ewon Cosy+ should be supplied from external, separately provided power supply 12-24Vdc,
30W min. certified for 60°C and for altitudes up to 2000m.
Power supply should be separately certified according to UL/IEC 62368-1 with ES1, PS2 output or
separately certified to IEC/UL60950–1 with LPS output or Class2 per NEC..
Characteristics of the power supply can be found hereunder:
Power supply voltage
External 12-24 VDC +/- 19%
Maximum Ewon Cosy+ input power
30W maximum
Internal voltage protection
30V maximum
Input protection
Protected against polarity inversion
Ewon Cosy+ Installation Guide
IG-0031-00 1.0 en-US